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Sacred Space: Burial Places of the Enslaved and their Descendants
Saturday, April 27
10am - 12:30pm
Small Hall, Room 110
The Remembering Slavery, Resistance and Freedom Project in partnership with the College of William & Mary and the Virginia Foundation for the Humanities presents a lecture about the cemeteries of the enslaved and what those spaces mean today.
Saturday Morning Physics: "How Butterfly Wings get their Colors" (Prof. Ale Lukaszew)
Saturday, April 27
11am - 12pm
Small Hall, Room 111
Structural color appears in materials with small periodic structures of the size of the wavelength of visible light. Metamaterials are artificial media with such small structures. Prof. Lukaszew will explain these ideas and describe examples from nature.
W&M Wind Symphony Spring Concert
Saturday, April 27
Phi Beta Kappa (PBK) Memorial Hall
The W&M Wind Symphony performs wind ensemble literature from the last 125 years in a program featuring the music of Copland, R. Vaughan Williams and Bach. Dr. Paul Bhasin conducts.
Combined Spring Choral Concerts
Saturday, April 27
Phi Beta Kappa (PBK) Memorial Hall
Join the W&M Choir, Women's Chorus and Botetourt Chamber Singers for their spring concert. Directed by Dr. James Armstrong and Dr. Jamie Bartlett.
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