How to Get Involved with Research
Tuesday, October 1
11am - 12pm
Blow Memorial Hall, Room 201

Attend an info session to learn more about starting undergraduate research, finding a faculty mentor, and getting funding. You'll be ready to take your first steps into the world of research!

STLI Quick Bite | AI Series: GenAI Tools for W&M
Tuesday, October 1
12:30pm - 1pm
Zoom Session by Registration

STLI Quick Bite | AI Series: GenAI Tools for W&M

POSTPONED -- The Language of Trees: Forest Thinking to Reimagine the World
Tuesday, October 1
3pm - 5:15pm
Swem Library, Ford Classroom

EVENT POSTPONED - Artist, activist, and bestselling author, Katie Holten to speak on the Language of Trees and what it means to love a forest.

Faculty of Arts & Sciences Meeting
Tuesday, October 1
3:30pm - 5pm
Tucker Hall, 127A
    TV Themed Monroe Scholars Meet Up
    Tuesday, October 1
    5pm - 6pm
    Monroe Hall, Common Area, 1st floor
    Writers of Washington - The Righteous Arrows
    Tuesday, October 1
    5:30pm - 7:30pm
    Washington Center, Zoom

    Join us for a book talk with award-winning author, Brian Morra '78. Brian, Professor of Russian Studies Sasha Prokhorov, and Elena Prokhorova will lead us on a deep dive into his book, The Righteous Arrows, his second book in his series The Able Archers.

    CS Distinguished Talk: Hridesh Rajan, Tulane University
    Wednesday, October 2
    12pm - 1pm
    McGlothlin-Street Hall, McGlothlin 020


    ChatGPT and Other AI Tools for Research
    Wednesday, October 2
    12:30pm - 1:30pm
    Swem Library, Kyle Classroom
    Geology Department Seminar
    Wednesday, October 2
    4pm - 5pm
    McGlothlin-Street Hall, Room 219
    Global Research Institute Open House
    Wednesday, October 2
    4pm - 7pm
    Swem Library, The Hive Event Space

    Learn more about the Global Research Institute - a multidisciplinary hub that brings together faculty, staff, practitioners, and students to conduct applied research on pressing global issues. 

    UPDATED: Europe's Shift to the Far Right, Speaker Farid Hafez, International Relations Program 
    Wednesday, October 2
    5pm - 6pm
    Ewell Hall, Room 107

    Following a huge success by the far-right in European Parliamentary elections, we take the national elections in Austria and  Germany as a starting point for a discussion on what that means for Europe. 

      Chaos Frames: Advanced Animation Exploration
      Wednesday, October 2
      5pm - 8pm
      Sadler Center, York Room

      This workshop delves into advanced and experimental animation techniques, encouraging participants to push the boundaries of traditional animation.

      Wildlife Conservation Career Panel
      Wednesday, October 2
      5:30pm - 6:30pm
      Cohen Career Center
        Men On Boats
        Thursday, October 3 - Sunday, October 6
        Phi Beta Kappa (PBK) Memorial Hall, Studio Theatre

        William & Mary Theatre is pleased to announce its production of Men on Boats, written by Jaclyn Backhaus and directed by Abbie Cathcart.

        Hayes Writers Series presenting Remica Bingham-Risher
        Thursday, October 3
        7pm - 9pm
        Tucker Hall, Tucker Hall Theater

        Remica Bingham-Risher

        Essayist and Affrilachian Poet.

        &hacks X, W&M's annual hackathon, is coming up the weekend of October 4-6! 
        Friday, October 4 - Sunday, October 6
        Swem Library

        The 48-hour coding competition is open primarily to undergraduates, with a multitude of prize tracks to compete in. &hacks is held in Swem Library, providing a communal space to connect with other hackers, industry professionals, and alumni! 

        TribeCTF - Win big at W&M's First Capture the Flag Competition!
        Friday, October 4 - Sunday, October 6
        Swem Library

        The W&M CyberSecurity Center presents TribeCTF 2024, our inaugural Capture The Flag competition, co-located with &hacks, W&M's hackathon! Test your skills, and win cash prizes! Register now:!

        Imaginary Beasts and Stranger Things Youth Workshop
        Friday, October 4
        9am - 12pm
        Campus Center

        Students will explore the fantastical world of creating mystical, mythological, imaginary animals, beasts, and stranger things with oil pastels and tempera paint.

        2024 Fall Graduate & Professional School Fair
        Friday, October 4
        12pm - 2pm
        Sadler Center, Chesapeake & Tidewater

        Want to meet admissions representatives from graduate school programs?

          Brown Bag Seminar
          Friday, October 4
          McGlothlin-Street Hall, Room 230
            Green Analytical Chemistry: Have We Been Doing This All Along?  Nicholas Snow, Seton Hall Univ
            Friday, October 4
            3pm - 4pm
            Integrated Science Center (ISC), Room 1127

            CHEMINAR: Green Analytical Chemistry: Is This What We’ve Been Doing All Along?

            Nicholas H. Snow, Founding Endowed Professor, Seton Hall University

            &hacks 10 - Day 1
            Friday, October 4
            3pm - 8pm
            Swem Library
              Physics Colloquium - Dr. Joseph Reiner 
              Friday, October 4
              4pm - 5pm
              Small Hall, Room 111

              Dr. Joseph Reiner, Virginia Commonwealth University, Title: Nanoparticle-enhanced nanopore detection of ovarian cancer-marking peptides 

              Lecture: "Queering the U.S. Bicentennial: Patriots, Protesters, Pornographers, and Profiteers"
              Friday, October 4
              5:15pm - 6:30pm
              Ewell Hall, Room 107

              As part of the Tyler Lecture Series and campus conversations around democracy, Professor Marc Stein will speak on the bicentennial protests to help us think more expansively about engaging with democracy and belonging in the contemporary United States. 

              Brady Lanier- Viola da Gamba Recital 
              Sunday, October 6
              2pm - 3pm
              Music Arts Center, Comey Recital Hall
              Apply to be a Writing and Communication Center Consultant!
              Monday, October 7
              All day
              Swem Library, Writing and Communication Center

              Interested in helping students with their writing and communication skills? Apply to work as a paid writing center consultant! 

                Midterm grading period
                Monday, October 7 - Sunday, October 27
                Location not specified
                  Amit Seal Ami, Computer Science - Ph.D. Dissertation Proposal
                  Tuesday, October 8
                  12pm - 2:30pm
                  Washington Hall, Room 306

                  Amit Seal Ami, Computer Science - Ph.D. Dissertation Proposal
                  Title: Systematically Evaluating Static Analysis-Based Security Testing Tools - The Gaps within Design and Practice
                  Advisors: Dr. Adwait Nadkarni and Dr. Denys Poshyvanyk

                    2025 W&M Montpellier (France) Summer Study Abroad Program Information Session
                    Tuesday, October 8
                    5pm - 6:30pm
                    Washington Hall, Room 315

                    Information session for students interested in the 2025 W&M faculty-led summer study abroad program in Montpellier, France.

                    Distinguished Visiting Artist - Andrew Raftery
                    Wednesday, October 9 - Friday, November 1
                    Andrews Hall, Andrews Gallery

                    The Department of Art & Art History is pleased to present the 2024 Distinguished Visiting Artist, Andrew Raftery.  Raftery's visit is threefold: a lecture, exhibition, and workshop.  

                    Data Crunch/DH Discovery: Text Mining and Copyright
                    Wednesday, October 9
                    12:30pm - 1:30pm
                    Swem Library, Kyle Classroom, ground floor
                    Art in the Afternoon: Museum Origin Stories and AI: It’s Here!
                    Wednesday, October 9
                    2pm - 3pm
                    Williamsburg Regional Library Theatre

                    Journey through centuries of colorful history, from the 18th-century to cutting-edge AI revolutionizing the art world.

                    COLL Curriculum for New(ish) Faculty
                    Wednesday, October 9
                    2pm - 4pm
                    Sadler Center, The James Room
                    Research in Progress: Francesca Parente & Dong Luo
                    Wednesday, October 9
                    3:30pm - 5pm
                    Swem Library, Ground Floor, The Hive Events Space

                    The Global Research Institute presents the Research in Progress: Francesca Parente & Dong Luo

                    American-Bosnian Collaboration Project 2025 - Interest meeting
                    Wednesday, October 9
                    5pm - 6pm
                    Tucker Hall, Room 123

                    Applications are live to join the 2025 ABC cohort! We will be holding two information sessions for prospective applicants, going over basics of the program and answering any questions students may have.

                      Fall Break
                      Thursday, October 10 - Sunday, October 13
                      Location not specified
                        Libraries & STLI Workshop: Ally for Accessibility
                        Thursday, October 10
                        11am - 12pm
                        Zoom by Registration

                        Libraries & STLI Workshop: Ally for Accessibility

                        Classes resume from Fall Break
                        Monday, October 14
                        All day
                        Location not specified

                        Classes resume from Fall Break

                          International Grocery Trip  
                          Monday, October 14
                          4pm - 6pm

                          The International Students, Scholars & Programs (ISSP) Office is hosting a trip to E-Mart to buy international groceries. 

                          Deadline to Apply for January, May, or August 2025 Graduation
                          Tuesday, October 15
                          All day
                          Blow Memorial Hall

                          If you plan to graduate in Jan., May or Aug. 2025, you must apply to graduate using the University Registrar’s online Graduation Application by this deadline. The form closes after October 15, each year. See the Graduation Application website.

                            Joint Degree Programme Anniversary Display
                            Tuesday, October 15 - Sunday, October 20
                            Sadler Center

                            Stop by Sadler’s The Slice to take a walk down a Joint Degree Programme memory lane!

                            World Bank Environmental and Social Standards Training
                            Tuesday, October 15
                            2pm - 4pm
                            Swem Library, Hive Event Space

                            Join the Institute for Integrative Conservation for a training session on the World Bank’s Environmental and Social Framework (ESF) and Environmental and Social Standards to better manage environmental and social risks in international development.

                            Undergraduate Research Opportunities Fair
                            Tuesday, October 15
                            3:30pm - 5pm
                            Sadler Center, Chesapeake

                            Students are invited to stop by the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Fair to learn more about engaging in research!

                            Perspectives of Ukraine, Georgia Moldova for EU/NATO Integration
                            Tuesday, October 15
                            5pm - 6:30pm
                            Tucker Hall, 127A (Theater)

                            Retired Colonel Lasha Beridze of the Armed Forces of Georgia talks about the latest updates from the war in Ukraine, prospects for peace, and implications for Euro-Atlantic integration. 

                            Art in the Afternoon: Hogarth’s Gritty London: The Birth of Visual Storytelling
                            Wednesday, October 16
                            2pm - 3pm
                            Williamsburg Regional Library Auditorium

                            From bawdy taverns to corrupt politicians, learn about how Hogarth’s prints offer a scandalous peek into a society on the brink of change.

                            American-Bosnian Collaboration Project 2025 - Interest meeting
                            Wednesday, October 16
                            5pm - 6pm
                            Tucker Hall, Room 123

                            Applications are live to join the 2025 ABC team! We will be holding an information session to go over the basics of the program, as well as answer any questions applicants may have.

                              CBNERR-VA Discovery Lab - Halloween Mad Lab
                              Wednesday, October 16
                              6pm - 8pm
                              VIMS - Catlett-Burruss Research and Education Lab
                              This "Things That Lurk in the Deep" Halloween Discovery Lab will feature glowing experiments, spooky crafts, and marine science. Come find out what strange creatures live in the ocean depths, from the midnight zone and below! Costumes are encouraged!
                              The Realities of International Research - A CRP Information Session
                              Thursday, October 17
                              3pm - 4:30pm
                              Swem Library, Hive Event Space

                              Join us for an insightful session featuring firsthand stories from William & Mary students and faculty about the realities of conducting research in international settings. 

                              A Conversation with Chancellor Robert Gates & Ambassador Mark Green
                              Thursday, October 17
                              4pm - 5pm
                              Sadler Center, Commonwealth Auditorium

                              Join Former Secretary of Defense, Robert M. Gates, and former Head of USAID, Ambassador Mark Green in a conversation moderated by GRI Director, Professor Mike Tierney.

                              McCormack-Reboussin Scholarship info session
                              Thursday, October 17
                              5pm - 5:30pm
                              Washington Hall, Room 317

                              Come learn about a generous scholarship for French & Francophone Studies majors!

                                2024 Concord Scholarship Presentation - Sasha Rinkevich
                                Thursday, October 17
                                5pm - 7pm
                                Tucker Hall, Room 127

                                "The Magic of Noticing" - Presented by 2024 Concord Scholarship recipient.

                                Lee Lecture - Lauren Ginsberg
                                Thursday, October 17
                                5:30pm - 7pm
                                Boswell Hall (formerly Morton Hall), Room 220

                                The Lee Lecture presents a lecture by Professor Lauren Ginsberg from Duke University. She will be speaking on "Remembered Resistance: Telling the Life stories of Claudia Octavia’s Household in and out of Literature".  

                                Masterclass with Julian Lage
                                Thursday, October 17
                                6pm - 7pm
                                Phi Beta Kappa (PBK) Memorial Hall, Glenn Close Theatre

                                Learn from Julian Lage, one of the most prodigious guitarists of his generation

                                Computer Science Night 2024
                                Thursday, October 17
                                6pm - 7:30pm
                                Cohen Career Center
                                  Julian Lage
                                  Thursday, October 17
                                  Phi Beta Kappa (PBK) Memorial Hall, Glenn Close Theatre

                                  William & Mary Presents! Julian Lage, one of the most prodigious guitarists of his generation

                                  W&M Premiere Theatre Presents: The Greenhouse
                                  Friday, October 18 - Saturday, October 19
                                  Phi Beta Kappa (PBK) Memorial Hall, PBK Lab Theatre

                                  Five male students meet twice a week at W&M's greenhouse, a haven for the university's gay men. The threat of a new club on campus has the men worried as they come to terms with what they mean to each other and how much they need the greenhouse.

                                  CS Homecoming Colloquium: Eric Davis, DARPA
                                  Friday, October 18
                                  12pm - 1pm
                                  McGlothlin-Street Hall, Room 020

                                  Title: Third Wave Artificial Intelligence, Human Machine Teams, and Crisis Reasoning

                                  Computer Science Homecoming & Colloquium Awards Ceremony (Reception to follow)
                                  Friday, October 18
                                  12pm - 2:30pm
                                  McGlothlin-Street Hall, Room 020

                                  Colloquium Speaker with an Awards Ceremony and Reception to follow.

                                  Brown Bag Seminar
                                  Friday, October 18
                                  McGlothlin-Street Hall, Room 230
                                    CGA Speaker Series: Homecoming Alumni Panel
                                    Friday, October 18
                                    1pm - 2pm
                                    Swem Library, Room 213

                                    Join the Center for Geospatial Analysis on Friday, October 18 at 1pm in Swem 213 to hear from a panel of William & Mary Alumni on career paths in GIS and advice for current students interested in continuing to learn about GIS.  

                                    Sharpe Community Scholars Homecoming Gathering 
                                    Friday, October 18
                                    1pm - 4pm
                                    Spotswood Hall (Botetourt Complex), Collaboratory

                                    We are excited to welcome Sharpe Alumni back to campus for Fall 2024 homecoming in Spotswood Hall from 1-4pm.  Sharpe has changed over the years, but one thing remains the same: student commitment to living and learning together about community.

                                    Mathematics Colloquium - Melanie Ferreri, W&M
                                    Friday, October 18
                                    2pm - 3pm
                                    Jones Hall, Room 301

                                    TITLE:  Generating bijections for permutation identities and generalized Wilf equivalences

                                    W&M Homecoming English Faculty Panel
                                    Friday, October 18
                                    3:30pm - 4:30pm
                                    Tucker Hall, Room 111

                                    Join us for a captivating exploration of literature, its impact on our lives, society, and the world. Our esteemed faculty will share their insights during our Homecoming Panel discussion. 

                                    2024 Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies Program Homecoming Alumni Talk
                                    Friday, October 18
                                    3:30pm - 5pm
                                    Washington Hall, Room 301

                                    Friday, October 18, 3:30 pm in Washington 301

                                    Homecoming Alumni Talk by Nicole Wright Patrick ’15, Program Manager, Central and Eastern Europe, (NDI).

                                    Voice, Space, and Accountability: Strengthening Democracy in Central & Eastern Europe

                                    Boswell Lecture: Our (Gay) Corner of Paradise: Boswell's Aelred of Rievaulx and Queer Worldmaking 
                                    Friday, October 18
                                    3:30pm - 5pm
                                    Tucker Hall, 127A

                                    Dr. James Staples '10 explores the queer world-making of John Boswell's recovery of Aelred of Rievaulx to reveal how minoritarian melancholia contributes to inventive negotiations of past and present to discover a future of more expansive possibilities.

                                      Poetry & Identity: A Spoken Word Workshop
                                      Friday, October 18
                                      5pm - 7pm
                                      Washington Hall, Room 201

                                      Join us for a spoken word poetry workshop taught by Breeze The Poet, a Virginian spoken word poet who has performed all over the country. This workshop is for everyone from experienced poets to those who have never seen spoken word performed before.

                                      W&M Wind Ensemble Homecoming Concert
                                      Friday, October 18
                                      7pm - 8pm
                                      Music Arts Center, Concert Hall
                                      Botetourt Chamber Singers Homecoming Concert
                                      Friday, October 18
                                      8:30pm - 9:30pm
                                      Music Arts Center, Concert Hall
                                      ISC Homecoming Open House
                                      Saturday, October 19
                                      9am - 11am
                                      Integrated Science Center (ISC), Atrium

                                      Homecoming Weekend ISC Open House!

                                      Join the ISC science departments for our annual Homecoming Open House from 9 - 11am  Saturday 19 October.

                                      The Music Department's Open House
                                      Saturday, October 19
                                      9:30am - 11:30am
                                      Music Arts Center, Music Building Lobby

                                      This is an opportunity to explore the new Music Arts Center.

                                      Geology Department Homecoming 
                                      Saturday, October 19
                                      9:30am - 12pm
                                      McGlothlin-Street Hall, Geology Rock Garden (Between Sunken Garden and Crim Dell Bridge)

                                    • Chancellors Hall Homecoming
                                      Saturday, October 19
                                      10am - 12pm
                                      Chancellors Hall (formerly Tyler Hall)

                                      Please Join us for Homecoming! We will be hosting a joint Homecoming celebration for all Economics, Government, International Relations, and Public Policy Alumni!

                                      Classical Studies Homecoming 2024 Open House
                                      Saturday, October 19
                                      10am - 12pm
                                      Boswell Hall (formerly Morton Hall), Room 340

                                      Please join the Department of Classical Studies for our Annual Homecoming Open House on Saturday, October 19, 2024, 10:00 a.m. – Noon in Boswell 340.  All W&M Alumni, Family and Friends are invited to come home and celebrate with us.  

                                        French & Francophone Studies Homecoming
                                        Saturday, October 19
                                        10am - 12pm
                                        Washington Hall, Room 317

                                        Welcome back to all our alumni!

                                        Meet up for coffee and pastries in 317 Washington Hall on Saturday, October 19th, 10-12pm.

                                          Homecoming with Hispanic Studies
                                          Saturday, October 19
                                          10am - 12pm
                                          Washington Hall, Outside. In front of WH. Rain location WH 317
                                            Kinesiology & Health Sciences Department Homecoming Open House
                                            Saturday, October 19
                                            10am - 12pm
                                            Adair Hall

                                            Alumni and friends are invited to an Open House in front of Adair Hall. Meet faculty and reminisce under the tent. Light refreshments will be available.

                                            Theatre and Dance Homecoming Open House
                                            Saturday, October 19
                                            10am - 12pm
                                            Phi Beta Kappa (PBK) Memorial Hall

                                            Theatre and Dance Alumni: Join the Department of Theatre & Performance for Homecoming Weekend! Enjoy light refreshments and connect with alumni, faculty, and current students. We look forward to seeing you there!

                                            W&M English Homecoming Breakfast/Open House
                                            Saturday, October 19
                                            10am - 12pm
                                            Tucker Hall

                                            Homecoming Breakfast/Open House

                                            Saturday, October 19
                                            10am - 3pm
                                            Small Hall

                                            Spooky PhysicsFest will teleport you into the bizarre and fascinating world of science during Homecoming! Mind-blowing hands-on activities, demonstrations, lab tours,  and Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream! Everything is free and fun for all ages!

                                            Homecoming Party with the Hive
                                            Saturday, October 19
                                            11am - 3pm
                                            Swem Library, Conservation Patio

                                            Join the units of the HIVE: the Global Research Institute, the Institute for Integrative Conservation and the Whole of Government Center of Excellence for a Homecoming & Reunion Weekend party!

                                            Mathematics Homecoming Tailgate
                                            Saturday, October 19
                                            12:30pm - 3:30pm
                                            By the Tribe Quarterback Club Parking lot (off Bright Street) behind new Alumni House

                                            Math Tailgate

                                            Monroe Hall Dedication
                                            Saturday, October 19
                                            1pm - 3pm
                                            Monroe Hall

                                            Current Monroe Scholars and Monroe Scholar alumni are invited to attend the Centennial celebration for Monroe Hall! In honor of its 100th birthday, Monroe Hall has undergone a total renovation. 

                                            Oktober-Grillfest 2024
                                            Saturday, October 19
                                            1pm - 3pm
                                            Randolph Complex, 500 Ukrop Way

                                            Join the German House for their annual fall BBQ on Saturday, October 19 @ 1 pm, Randolph Complex. The event will include grilling, sides, drinks, and an opportunity to meet fellow students and connect with alumni for a fun afternoon of food and community.

                                            Saturday, October 19
                                            7pm - 10pm
                                            Martha Wren Briggs Amphitheatre at Lake Matoaka

                                            Groove at STOMPFEST, hosted by the Black Student Organization on October 19th! Watch William & Mary’s NPHC compete, enjoy local black-owned vendors, and dance to a live DJ!

                                            Doors open at 6 PM at Martha Wren Briggs Amphitheatre. Get your tickets now! 

                                            W&M Choir Homecoming Concert
                                            Saturday, October 19
                                            7:30pm - 8:30pm
                                            Music Arts Center, Concert Hall
                                            François-Jean de Chastellux: French-American exchanges at W&M during the American Revolution 
                                            Monday, October 21
                                            3:30pm - 5pm
                                            Swem Library, Special Collections Research Center, 1st floor

                                            As we celebrate Yorktown Day and Lafayette’s Farewell Tour in Williamsburg, we invite you to join us in welcoming Iris de Rode, a Dutch historian and expert on French involvement in the American Revolution, to William & Mary. 


                                            STLI Quick Bite | AI Series: Transparent Assignment Design with AI
                                            Tuesday, October 22
                                            12:30pm - 1pm
                                            Zoom by registration

                                            STLI Quick Bite | AI Series: Transparent Assignment Design with AI

                                            Immigration Options for Academic Hiring at W&M
                                            Tuesday, October 22
                                            1pm - 2pm

                                            Curious about options for hiring and retaining international employees? Join us to learn more about the immigration process for bringing academic employees to W&M and VIMS. 

                                              Jindi Wu, Computer Science - PhD proposal
                                              Tuesday, October 22
                                              1:30pm - 3:30pm
                                              McGlothlin-Street Hall, zoom

                                              Jindi Wu, Computer Science - PhD proposal
                                              Title: Toward Scalability and Reliability in Quantum Computing During the NISQ Era
                                              Advisors: Dr. Qun Li
                                              Location: ZOOM

                                                Freeman Fellowship Information Session
                                                Tuesday, October 22
                                                3:30pm - 5pm
                                                Reves Center for International Studies, Reves Room

                                                Are you interested in gaining invaluable professional experience and immersing yourself in the vibrant cultures of East Asia? If so, mark your calendar for the upcoming Freeman Intern Fellowships in East Asia Information Session!

                                                A Conversation about Pre-health Advising
                                                Tuesday, October 22
                                                4pm - 5pm
                                                Blow Memorial Hall, Blow 201
                                                The Electoral College: An Insider Perspective 
                                                Tuesday, October 22
                                                5:30pm - 6:30pm
                                                Ewell Hall, Room 107

                                                Have you ever wondered how the Electoral College actually works? Or who gets to cast the electoral votes that determine the president? Come hear an insider perspective on these topics from Prof. Alan Kennedy in a conversation hosted by Prof. Paul Manna.

                                                GRI Book Launch: The Migrant's Jail: An American History of Mass Incarceration
                                                Tuesday, October 22
                                                5:30pm - 7:30pm
                                                Swem Library

                                                Join W&M Global Research Institute for the launch of The Migrant's Jail: An American History of Mass Incarceration (Princeton University Press, 2024), written by W&M Assistant Professor Brianna Nofil. Co-sponsored with W&M Libraries and History Department

                                                Performance Workshop: Creating Theatrical Scenarios Using Viewpoints
                                                Tuesday, October 22 - Wednesday, October 23
                                                7pm - 9pm
                                                Phi Beta Kappa (PBK) Memorial Hall, Studio Theatre

                                                This two-day workshop will introduce students to the process of devising original theatrical work. It emphasizes Viewpoints, a movement-based improvisation technique used to create inventive scenarios and surreal dramatic ideas.

                                                Teaching the Day After a STLI Teaching & Learning Talk
                                                Wednesday, October 23
                                                12pm - 1pm
                                                Swem Library, Ford Classroom

                                                Teaching the Day After a STLI Teaching & Learning Talk 

                                                Art in the Afternoon: Degas Decoded: The Work of a Grumpy Genius
                                                Wednesday, October 23
                                                2pm - 3pm
                                                Williamsburg Regional Library Auditorium

                                                Immerse yourself in the enigmatic world of Edgar Degas, where brilliance and misanthropy collide.

                                                Trust in Elections Civic Conversation
                                                Wednesday, October 23
                                                3pm - 4:30pm
                                                Daily Grind

                                                Join a guided conversation about trust in elections. With a small group of fellow participants from campus and our broader community, you will share your perspectives on trust and your hopes for how communities could inspire more trust in our elections.

                                                Berlin Summer Study Abroad - Info Session
                                                Wednesday, October 23
                                                5pm - 6pm
                                                Washington Hall, Room 315

                                                Interested in spending your next summer in Berlin?

                                                  Art After Hours: Splinters of Wood: Woodblock Carving
                                                  Wednesday, October 23
                                                  5pm - 8pm
                                                  Matoaka Art Studio, Printmaking Studio

                                                  Learn the ancient process of woodblock carving by creating symbolic portraits of figures from William & Mary’s extensive and complicated history.

                                                  Catherine Levesque Book Celebration
                                                  Thursday, October 24
                                                  5pm - 6pm
                                                  Andrews Hall, Andrews Gallery

                                                  Book publication celebration in honor of Dr. Catherine Levesque.

                                                  Playbook for Success with Stephanie Szostak ‘94
                                                  Thursday, October 24
                                                  5pm - 6:30pm
                                                  Phi Beta Kappa (PBK) Memorial Hall, Studio Theatre

                                                  Join us for an evening with W&M alumna, author and actress Stephanie Szostak ‘94. She will be discussing her book, SELF!SH: Step Into a Journey of Self-Discovery to Revive Confidence, Joy, and Meaning

                                                  Guest Speaker Mike Wilson
                                                  Thursday, October 24
                                                  Tucker Hall, 127A

                                                  Human activist Mike Wilson will discuss his book, What Side Are You On?

                                                    Slate Seminar 2024
                                                    Friday, October 25 - Saturday, October 26
                                                    School of Education

                                                    Join us for the 2024 Slate Seminar, Friday, October 25, 2024 - Saturday, October 26, 2024  at the W&M School of Education

                                                    Registration and participation in the Slate Seminar is free thanks to the generous support of the Mellon Foundation.

                                                    Let's Talk: Should I withdraw from a course?
                                                    Friday, October 25
                                                    8:30am - 10am
                                                    Ewell Hall, Room 260

                                                    Drop-in hours are being held for students considering their options before the withdraw deadline.  Advisors will be available to help students think through options, help with the petition process, and answer questions.

                                                      2024 Conservation Research Program Final Presentations
                                                      Friday, October 25
                                                      10am - 4pm
                                                      Swem Library, Hive Event Room, Ground Level

                                                      Join the Institute for Integrative Conservation and our partners for the final 2024 CRP student presentations. TWO SESSIONS -  In-person and virtual options.

                                                      GRI Global Research Seminar: Anusha Chari 
                                                      Friday, October 25
                                                      1pm - 3pm
                                                      Swem Library

                                                      The Global Research Institute invites students, faculty, and staff to speak with Professor Anusha Chari the current Senior Economist on the President’s Council of Economic Advisors. A light lunch will be provided. 

                                                      Mathematics Colloquium - Daozhou Gao, Cleveland State University
                                                      Friday, October 25
                                                      2pm - 3pm
                                                      Jones Hall, Room 301

                                                      Role of Human Movement on Disease Persistence and Prevalence

                                                      Urban Public Health & the Paradox of Medically Overserved Communities 
                                                      Friday, October 25
                                                      2pm - 3:30pm
                                                      Sadler Center, Chesapeake AB

                                                      A conversation with Daniel Skinner, Ph.D., Professor of Health Policy at Ohio University, about how urban healthcare institutions work with their communities.

                                                      Fête de la Recherche
                                                      Friday, October 25
                                                      3:30pm - 5pm
                                                      Washington Hall, Room 201

                                                      Join us for our Fête de la Recherche, an annual showcase of student research! Meet other students in French & Francophone Studies and learn about study abroad and research funding opportunities. Food and drinks served.

                                                        Physics Colloquium - Dr. Georg Raithel 
                                                        Friday, October 25
                                                        4pm - 5pm
                                                        Small Hall, Room 111

                                                        Dr. Georg Raithel, University of Michigan, Title: Rydberg atoms in fundamental physics and quantum-technology applications 

                                                        Theatre & Performance Welcome Table for Inclusive Excellence (Production Agreements & Care)
                                                        Friday, October 25
                                                        5pm - 6pm
                                                        Phi Beta Kappa (PBK) Memorial Hall, Room 255

                                                        In a collaborative space that fosters a sense of belonging for all, Theatre & Performance WELCOME TABLES are open forums for inclusive gathering and democratic public discussion.

                                                        "The Forest of the Witch" - Karagoz Theatre Company
                                                        Friday, October 25
                                                        7:30pm - 8:30pm
                                                        Phi Beta Kappa (PBK) Memorial Hall, Studio Theatre

                                                        Karagoz Theatre Company presents "The Forest of the Witch."

                                                        W&M Symphony Orchestra Halloween Concert
                                                        Saturday, October 26
                                                        7:30pm - 9pm
                                                        Music Arts Center, Concert Hall
                                                        Let's Talk: Should I withdraw from a course?
                                                        Monday, October 28
                                                        9am - 4pm
                                                        Ewell Hall, Room 260

                                                        Drop-in hours are being held for students considering their options before the withdraw deadline. Advisors will be available to help students think through options, help with the petition process, and answer questions.

                                                          Trust in Elections Civic Conversation
                                                          Monday, October 28
                                                          11am - 12:30pm
                                                          Sadler Center, Chesapeake A

                                                          Join a guided conversation about trust in elections. With a small group of fellow participants from campus and our broader community, you will share your perspectives on trust and your hopes for how communities could inspire more trust in our elections.

                                                          An Artist Talk - Kevin Jerome Everson
                                                          Monday, October 28
                                                          Tucker Hall, Tucker Theatre

                                                          Kevin Jerome Everson is an artist working in film, painting, sculpture and photography. 

                                                          A conversation with Pentagon reporter Noah Robertson '19
                                                          Monday, October 28
                                                          4pm - 5:15pm
                                                          Blow Memorial Hall, Room 201

                                                          Noah Robertson '19, Defense News Pentagon reporter, will discuss his life as a journalist -- from his work at William & Mary to today!

                                                          Bray School Stories: Seeking Mary & Elisha, Part II
                                                          Monday, October 28
                                                          Online on Zoom

                                                          W&M Bray School Lab presents Bray School Stories: Seeking Mary & Elisha, Part II on Monday, October 28, 2024 at 6:00 PM. Presented free for all on Zoom. 

                                                          Raft Debate - A W&M Tradition
                                                          Monday, October 28
                                                          Sadler Center, Commonwealth Auditorium

                                                          The Raft Debate returns!    

                                                          W&M WGC Information Session: Summer 2025 USEUCOM/USAFRICOM Internship Program
                                                          Tuesday, October 29
                                                          12:30pm - 1:30pm
                                                          Online via Zoom Webinar

                                                          The Whole of Government Center of Excellence invites interested students to learn more about the Summer 2025 EUCOM Volunteer Internship Program, with opportunities at HQ U.S. European Command & HQ U.S. Africa Command, both located in Stuttgart, Germany. 

                                                          La Plata Human Rights Intern Fellowship Info Session: A W&M International Career Series Program
                                                          Tuesday, October 29
                                                          3pm - 4:30pm
                                                          Reves Center for International Studies, Reves Room

                                                          Interested in a summer internship focused on human rights in Argentina? Come to our info session, part of the W&M International Career Series Program

                                                          US Foreign Policy Under the Next Presidential Administration
                                                          Tuesday, October 29
                                                          5:30pm - 7pm
                                                          Sadler Center, Commonwealth Auditorium

                                                          What will US foreign policy look like in the next presidential administration? Join Dr. Kiron Skinner and the Security & Foreign Policy Initiative for a timely discussion of the foreign policy visions of the prospective Harris and Trump administrations.

                                                          Hillel International Campus Climate Review Focus Group: Staff Session
                                                          Wednesday, October 30
                                                          12pm - 1pm

                                                          W&M is partnering with Hillel International on a campus climate review to assess experiences and belonging for Jewish students, faculty and staff through one-hour, virtual focus groups.

                                                          Art in the Afternoon: Framing the Future: Muscarelle Reimagined
                                                          Wednesday, October 30
                                                          2pm - 3pm
                                                          Williamsburg Regional Library Auditorium

                                                          Get an exclusive first look at the Museum’s breathtaking transformation through an illustrated lecture by Director David Brashear.

                                                          Geology Seminar
                                                          Wednesday, October 30
                                                          McGlothlin-Street Hall, Room 219
                                                            Trick-or-Treat at Swem + SCRC Halloween Open House
                                                            Wednesday, October 30
                                                            4pm - 7pm
                                                            Swem Library, Special Collections Research Center, 1st floor of Swem

                                                            Trick-or-treat your way through all 4 floors of Swem Library, and then make your way to the Special Collections Research Center for candy, food, drink, and a display of all of the SCRC's strangest, eeriest, and creepiest collections!

                                                            Japan Studies Open House!
                                                            Wednesday, October 30
                                                            5pm - 6pm
                                                            Washington Hall, Room 315

                                                            Join the Japanese Studies Program for our annual Open House!  Learn about Spring courses, study abroad opportunities, the Japanese Studies major and minor, and more.  Snacks provided!

                                                            Discussion: "The Earth's Essence"
                                                            Thursday, October 31
                                                            2pm - 3:20pm
                                                            Washington Hall, Room 301
                                                            Hillel International Campus Climate Review Focus Group: Graduate Student Session
                                                            Thursday, October 31
                                                            5pm - 6pm

                                                            W&M is partnering with Hillel International on a campus climate review to assess experiences and belonging for Jewish students, faculty and staff through one-hour, virtual focus groups.


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                                                            Ongoing Events

                                                            Writing and Communication Center Open for Fall Semester
                                                            Monday, September 9 - Friday, December 6
                                                            1pm - 10pm
                                                            Swem Library, Writing and Communication Center (Swem 145)

                                                            At the Writing and Communication Center, trained peer consultants offer individual assistance with writing, presentation, and other communication assignments across disciplines and at any stage, from generating ideas to polishing a final product.