Economics Events
[PAST EVENT] Jeff Lunardi Talk: Addressing Mental Health in Virginia: An Overview of the State's Policy Role
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Jeff Lunardi, a W&M graduate (BA, ’05; MBA, ’07), is Executive Director of the Virginia Joint Commission on Health Care (JCHC), which is a standing commission of the Virginia General Assembly. JCHC conducts research and makes recommendations for legislative actions to “’ensure that the Commonwealth as provider, financier, and regulator adopts the most cost-effective and efficacious means of delivery of health care services so that the greatest number of Virginians receive quality health care.’" In the past, JCHC has conducted research on “Options for Increasing the Use of Telemental Health in the Commonwealth- Final Report” (2018) and the “Virginia College Mental Health Study” (2013).
Mr. Lunardi also served as the Unit Director of Health and Human Resources at the Joint Legislative Audit & Review Commission (JLARC), which “conducts program evaluation, policy analysis, and oversight of state agencies on behalf of the Virginia General Assembly.” JLARC previously issued reports/memoranda to the Virginia General Assembly on “Implementation of STEP-VA” (2019) and “Oversight of Mental Health Parity in Virginia” (2020). In his JLARC position, Mr. Lunardi testified before Virginia’s Joint Subcommittee Studying Mental Health Services in the Commonwealth in the 21st Century.)
Mr. Lunardi will speak to the William & Mary community about the state’s policy role in addressing mental health. To register to attend, please click here.
Mr. Lunardi’s talk is the second of four talks on “State Policy on Mental Health and Substance Abuse” sponsored by the Schroeder Center for Health Policy during the Fall 2021 semester. The remaining two talks, which are open to the William & Mary community, are:
- DATE TBD: Cannabis Policy in New York by R. Lorraine Collins, Ph.D., Associate Dean for Research from the Department of Community Health and Health Behavior at the University of Buffalo (to register click here)
- DATE TBD: State Policies and Substance Abuse/Treatment by Ryan Mutter, Ph.D., Analyst in the Health Analysis Division of the U.S. Congressional Budget Office (to register click here)
Kelly Metcalf-Meese ([[klmetcalfmeese]]) at the Schroeder Center for Health Policy
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