Law School Events
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Law School
[PAST EVENT] The Contemporary First Amendment: Freedom of Speech, Press, and Assembly
February 21, 2014 - February 22, 2014
The William & Mary Law Review, in conjunction with the Institute of Bill of Rights Law, has a proud tradition of bringing noted scholars together each spring semester in an annual symposium.
The symposium will bring together leading First Amendment scholars to discuss a wide range of contemporary First Amendment issues relating to freedoms of speech, press, and assembly. Participants will include Fred Schauer (University of Virginia School of Law), Mark Tushnet (Harvard Law School), Martin Redish (Northwestern University Law School), and Julie Cohen (Georgetown University Law Center). These and other scholars will discuss topics including the sources and scope of free speech protection, Internet exceptionalism, leaks of classified information, privacy, the intersection of freedom of speech and economic interests, comparative and cross-cultural expressive concerns, the regulation of public assembly, and government subsidization of speech.
If you have any questions about the Symposium, please feel free to contact the Law Review's Symposium Editor Sean Radomski.
The symposium will bring together leading First Amendment scholars to discuss a wide range of contemporary First Amendment issues relating to freedoms of speech, press, and assembly. Participants will include Fred Schauer (University of Virginia School of Law), Mark Tushnet (Harvard Law School), Martin Redish (Northwestern University Law School), and Julie Cohen (Georgetown University Law Center). These and other scholars will discuss topics including the sources and scope of free speech protection, Internet exceptionalism, leaks of classified information, privacy, the intersection of freedom of speech and economic interests, comparative and cross-cultural expressive concerns, the regulation of public assembly, and government subsidization of speech.
If you have any questions about the Symposium, please feel free to contact the Law Review's Symposium Editor Sean Radomski.
Sean Radomski or Melody Nichols