[PAST EVENT] Janet Lord: Investigating the North Korean Gulag

February 4, 2014
12:50pm - 1:50pm
Law School, Room 141
613 S Henry St
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
Janet Lord will be joining us at the Law School to talk about a country often in the news - North Korea. Human rights in North Korea have consistently been referenced by the media with in-depth investigations conducted by the UN. Ms. Lord's presentation, entitled: Investigating the North Korean Gulag: The UN Commission of Inquiry into Crimes against Humanity by the North Korean Regime, will bring new insights on the abuses occurring everyday in the country.

Come learn more next Tuesday, February 4th during the lunch hour in Room 141. Pizza will be served. This is the next exciting speaker brought to you by the Human Security Law Center - Student Division.

For more information and a full bio respond to the Event on Facebook.

Amber Will