Law School Events
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Law School
[PAST EVENT] Lochner's Ghost and Liberal Fears - Featuring Prof. David Bernstein, with Comment by Dean Douglas
November 8, 2011
1pm - 2pm
In 1905, a New York baker went to the Supreme Court to challenge a law regulating how many hours per week he could work. Since their decision invalidating that law, the Lochner case has become a widely derided byword in Constitutional Law. Dred Scott. Plessy. Lochner. Or so the story goes. David Bernstein revisits that story to demonstrate why the common wisdom on Lochner is largely unfounded. Come listen to why (in the words of George Will (Washington Post)) "liberals fear Lochner." After Prof. Bernstein's commentary, Dean Davison Douglas of William & Mary School of Law, a noted legal historian, will give additional insights. Chipotle lunch will be served.