[PAST EVENT] Workshop: Marketing Your International Experience

March 12, 2012
Reves Center for International Studies
200 S Boundary St
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
Studying abroad is a life changing experience. However, you will most likely be one of hundreds of applicants who studied abroad applying for the same internship, job or graduate school spot. You need to set yourself apart from the pack.

Mark your calendars NOW for a program designed just for YOU on this very topic: "Marketing your international experience to future employers and graduate schools."

Investing the time now to develop strategies that will help you in the future is important. Experiences fresh in your mind, or journal and blog entries, will prepare you to communicate the skills you learned while abroad.

When applying for jobs, internships, and graduate school you will need to craft experiences that meet the needs for which you are applying. Telling a future employer or graduate school admission officer that "study abroad was amazing" without backing it up with specific situations will NOT set you apart!

This is a working session - bring a fully charged lap top.

Please RSVP if you plan to attend.

RSVP to Debi DeBacco, dvdeva@wm.edu