[PAST EVENT] Deadline to Apply for the Dobro Slovo Honor Society

March 16, 2012
All day
Washington Hall
241 Jamestown Rd
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
Dobro Slovo Honor Society welcomes applications from students with the following qualifications:

- a minimum of 2 years of study of Slavic languages, literature, culture, or related subjects, with a minimum grade point average of 3.5 in the 4.0 system

- a minimum overall academic average of 3.0 in a 4.0 system

- an active and continuing interest in studying Slavic languages, literature, culture, and related fields of Slavic studies

For more information and for applications please contact Bella Ginzbursky-Blum, bbginz@wm.edu, 221-2611, Washington Hall #240