[PAST EVENT] Fulbright Scholarship Information Session

March 26, 2012
6pm - 7pm
Blow Memorial Hall, Room 201
262 Richmond Rd
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
Sessions will be held on Monday, March 26 6-7 p.m. AND Tuesday, March 26 6-7 p.m.

Want to come? Register by 12 p.m. on the day of the session you plan to attend: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/S7PGH5T

Can't make the session but interested in applying? Come see a Peer Scholarship Advisor: http://www.wm.edu/sites/scholarships/peerscholarshipadvisors/index.php

A U.S. Student Fulbright Grant
- Allows for individually designed study/research projects or an English Teaching Assistantship You can propose a project and/or study plan that will take place during one academic year in a country outside the U.S.
- Provides support for study/research/teaching in a single country (For exceptions, see World Region Summaries) You can meet, work, live with and learn from the people of the host country, sharing daily experiences.
- Facilitates cultural exchange Through direct interaction on an individual basis in the classroom, field, home, and in daily tasks, you can gain an appreciation of others' viewpoints and beliefs, the way they do things, and the way they think.
- Promotes mutual understanding Through engagement in the community, you can interact with your hosts on a one-to-one basis in an atmosphere of openness, academic integrity, and intellectual freedom.

Who can apply for a U.S. Student Fulbright Grant?
- Recent BA/BS graduates, graduating seniors and recent Bachelor's-degree recipients usually propose projects for which they have had some undergraduate preparation and/or direct work or internship experience.
- Master's and doctoral candidates Will demonstrate capacity for independent study or research, together with a general knowledge of the history, culture, and current events of the countries to which they are applying.
- Young professionals, including writers, journalists, and those in law, business, and other professional fields May have up to 5 years of professional study and/or experience in the field in which they are applying. Those with more than 5 years of experience should apply to the Council for International Exchange of Scholars in the Fulbright Scholar Program.
- Artists and musicians Applicants without a Bachelor's degree may substitute at least four years of professional training or experience.

The Fulbright U.S. Student Program has a preference for candidates who have not had recent extensive experience abroad (excluding recent undergraduate study abroad), especially in the country of application. Grants shall not authorize activity for which a license to practice medicine or nursing is required.

Grant lengths and dates vary by country. Please consult the Country Summaries for specifics.

Full Grant benefits for Study/Research and English Teaching Assistantships include:
- Round-trip transportation to the host country
- Maintenance for the academic year, based on living costs in the host country
- Limited Health Benefits

In addition, Full Grants may include (see relevant Country Summary for details):
- Book and research allowances*
- Mid-term enrichment activities in many countries or world regions
- Full or partial tuition
- Language study programs
- Pre-departure and in-country orientations

*The allowance provides some funding for research, books, and/or supplies. Grantees with projects that require extensive research support, in-country travel, study materials, or equipment should explore additional funding from other sources to supplement the Fulbright funding.

Benefits for Study/Research Grants and English Teaching Assistantships
- Are based on the cost of living in the host country
- Will be paid in host country currency to grantees in countries with a Commission/Foundation
- Will be paid in U.S. dollars to grantees in countries without a Fulbright Commission/Foundation

Lisa Grimes, lmgrim@wm.edu