[PAST EVENT] A Scientist Walks Into A Bar... Harmful Algal Blooms in Virginia

September 29, 2015
6:30pm - 8pm
Mike's Place, 11006 Warwick Blvd., Newport News
Rivers of red and waves that glow--what's that about?? Find out in Dr. Kim Reece's conversation starter: Some Like It Hot; Harmful Algal Blooms in Virginia. You'll learn about "red tides" and the flashy bioluminescent organisms that many have witnessed first-hand. This casual event, held in conjunction with the Virginia Science Festival, is the perfect place to learn about the fascinating world around you, ask questions, and share your own thoughts and experiences.

Here's how it works:
6:30 Join us to order drinks or dinner
7:00 Learn about the topic
7:15 Keep the conversation going

{{http://events.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=dfaqgicab&oeidk=a07ebfytuz91d52fb98,Registration required.}}

[[v|programs, VIMS Outreach]], (804) 684-7061