W&M Featured Events
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William & Mary
[PAST EVENT] The Prices of Prescription Drugs: Exclusivity, Market Dynamics, and Public Policy
November 14, 2019
4pm - 5:15pm
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John Osborn is a Senior Advisor with Hogan Lovells in Washington DC, an Affiliate Professor of the University of Washington Law School, and a regular contributor on Health Policy to Forbes.com and STAT. Mr. Osborn has been a senior executive with life sciences and healthcare companies, including a Merck joint venture, McKesson Specialty Health/US Oncology, Cephalon, Dendreon and Onyx Pharmaceuticals and has served in all three branches of the Federal government, and as a member of the presidential advisory commission on public diplomacy. Mr. Osborn currently serves as a member of the W&M Public Policy Board of Advisors.