[PAST EVENT] W&M Mental Health Screening Day

October 24, 2019
12:30pm - 3:30pm
McLeod Tyler Wellness Center
240 Gooch Drive
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
Depression Screening 2019

Complete a screening for depression, anxiety, bipolar, and PTSD. Counseling Center staff will be available to review and recommend resources.

*FREE swag from various Health and Wellness offices.
* Pet therapy dogs, chair massage, enter a drawing to win a W&M Sweatshirt.
*Visit Health and Wellness information tables-representatives from the Counseling Center, Health Promotion, Campus Recreation, and the Student Health Center.
* Gather information from student organizations that support mental health initiatives on campus.

Whether you tell one person, talk to a doctor or mental health professional or become an advocate for mental health awareness, it’s important to share your story to help yourself and help others.


Felicia Brown-Anderson, 757-221-3620