[PAST EVENT] Dino Felluga: "Supporting Human Online Research and Education: A Workshop on New Tools"

November 13, 2019
12pm - 2pm
Boswell Hall (formerly Morton Hall), 140C
100 Ukrop Way
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
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  • Open to the public
Prof. Dino Felluga Lecture

"Supporting Human Online Research and Education: A Workshop on New Tools"

Dr. Felluga is a professor of English at Purdue University. His talk shares his current research on knowledge production through digital platforms. SHORE is the imagined extension of The Central Online Victorian Educator at http://covecollective.org into other fields and subject areas.  Prof. Felluga, the general editor of COVE, will explain the basic principles of COVE, which are also articulated in the following, recently published article: https://doi.org/10.1093/jvcult/vcz027. He will showcase the tools (a classroom space, a map-builder, a timeline-builder, a gallery-builder and an annotation tool), followed by a “live build” with workshop participants.

Please RSVP to lizlosh@wm.edu with any dietary restrictions


Khanh Vo, Equality Lab Graduate Assistant at [[e|kvvo]], Elizabeth Losh, Associate Professor of English at [[emlosh]]