W&M Featured Events
[PAST EVENT] Muscarelle Student Photography Contest Exhibition
Stryker CenterAccess & Features
- Open to the public

The Muscarelle Museum of Art is proud to present an exhibition of student photography submitted as part of a competition held in the fall semester of 2023. Juried by Cuban artist and photographer Adrián Fernández, this exhibition features almost 70 photographic works by currently enrolled students at William & Mary from diverse disciplines.
“In today's globalized society, photography is one of the most immediate forms of artistic expression,” said Mr. Fernández. “As our world becomes smaller, more interconnected, diverse, fast-paced and chaotic, photography continues to be the medium of choice that reflects this complex reality and provides us with an accessible means of expression and interpretation.”
With over 400 photographs to review, Mr. Fernández selected the works blindly – that is without context or information about the individual artists and their submissions. We are thrilled by the amount of interest and the creativity of the William & Mary student body. “Creativity takes courage” and the Muscarelle sends our sincere thanks and appreciation to all the students who shared their vision with us.
Congratulations to our winners, featured in this exhibition:
- First Place: Prasanna Patel ’24, Religious Studies
- Second Place: Dana Abraham ’25, Art & Art History (Studio Art)
- Third Place: Bayleigh Albert ’24, Conservation & Creative Media, Environment & Sustainability
- Honorable Mention: Erin Degnan ’27, Undeclared
- Honorable Mention: Kate Marston ’25, Environmental Science and Geology
This pop-up exhibition is located at the WRL Gallery at Stryker Center, which is adjacent to the public library at 412 N. Boundary Street. The Stryker Center is open Monday through Friday, 9 AM to 5 PM. Docent-led tours of the exhibition will be available Wednesdays from 2 to 4 PM and Fridays from 10 AM to noon. Other tours provided by request.
Sponsored by: Muscarelle Museum of Art
Julie Tucker, [[jstucker]]