W&M Featured Events
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William & Mary
[PAST EVENT] EAAH Noon Seminar: The Oyster Wars in Delaware Bay: Battling MSX and Dermo
October 25, 2011
12pm - 12:50pm
VIMS - Andrews Hall, Dominion Classroom, AH 3261309 Greate Road
Gloucester Point, VA 23062Map this location
Dr. Dave Bushek, Director of Rutgers University's Haskins Shellfish Research Lab, will discuss his research as part of the noontime lecture series of the Department of Environmental and Aquatic Animal Health (EAAH) at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science.
Dave's current research includes a large National Science Foundation project on the ecology of infectious diseases, in conjunction with collaborators at Old Dominion University, the University of Southern California, and Rutgers University. Their work is revealing the ways that parasitism and physical factors interact with oysters to structure the distribution of disease resistance in Delaware Bay.
Dave's current research includes a large National Science Foundation project on the ecology of infectious diseases, in conjunction with collaborators at Old Dominion University, the University of Southern California, and Rutgers University. Their work is revealing the ways that parasitism and physical factors interact with oysters to structure the distribution of disease resistance in Delaware Bay.
[[vanveld,Pete van Veld]] 804-684-7230