[PAST EVENT] Discovery Lab: Underwater Robots

January 17, 2012
6pm - 8pm
VIMS - Catlett-Burruss Research and Education Lab
7577 Spencer Road
Gloucester Point, VA 23062Map this location
Underwater robots - also known as ROVs (remotely operated vehicles) and AUVs (autonomous underwater vehicles) - are on the cutting edge of marine research. These robots are armed with sensors that can tell researchers about the deep ocean without risk of sending humans to such extreme depths. Meet our speaker, Mark Patterson, who designed the robotic sub, Fetch, on his kitchen table! Fetch has been on a variety of missions in the Caribbean, Iceland and Antarctica. Mark will share information about the uses of Fetch, and lab participants will also learn about the intricacies of designing underwater robots. The lab will include hands-on activities such as testing buoyancy and trying your hand at maneuvering our own ROV, Sea Perch. {{https://forms.wm.edu/3656,Register here.}}

[[mcguire, Sarah McGuire]] 804-684-7878