W&M Featured Events
[PAST EVENT] October After Hours Lecture - Eels
VIMS - Watermen's Hall, McHugh Auditorium1375 Greate Road
Gloucester Point, VA 23062Map this location
Each spring pulses of young American eels migrate into Chesapeake Bay as part of a complex life cycle that brings these creatures from the open waters of the Sargasso Sea to shallow, turbid estuaries from Greenland to Venezuela. Join VIMS professor Mary Fabrizio as she describes efforts to study juvenile eels in light of recent declines in landings of adult American eels along the Atlantic coast. Those declines are clearly evident from the VIMS Trawl Survey, which has been recording the abundance of eels and other fishes in Virginia's waters since 1955.
The lecture is the October installment of the After Hours lecture series for 2016.
Reservations to this free public lecture series are required due to limited space. Call 804-684-7061 for further information.
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[[v|programs, Susan Maples]]