W&M Featured Events
[PAST EVENT] Summer in Dublin Global Business Minor Program Information Session
Alan B. Miller Hall (Business School), Room 1078101 Ukrop Way
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
A minor in Global Business (GBM) will be offered starting in the summer of 2017. The minor study-abroad experience will be structured so that W&M students can meet the requirements for a minor in Global Business when they:
- Complete BUAD 203 Principles of Accounting comprising 3 credit hours, prior to the summer experience (or after the summer experience only by exception);
- Complete the 12-week GBM program comprising 15 credit hours delivered via: One week of curriculum on campus; 4 weeks of curriculum delivered via online learning; and
7 weeks of curriculum delivered in the host country, University College Dublin.
This program will give students an opportunity to gain a business minor (global) outside of the regular undergraduate business admissions process. This minor will only be available to students who have a major outside of the Mason School. The GBM is not a pathway to a business major or another business minor as it will only be available to students who have a major outside of the business school.
This minor will contribute to the College?s increasing emphasis on globalization and cross-cultural/global experiences. The international portion of the GBM program will be run through the Reves Center Global Education Office (GEO) which should ensure that it will count as fulfilling students? COLL300 requirement.
Workshops will also occur on Monday, January 30th and Thursday, February 2nd. Check the Reves Event Calendar for details.
[[m|julie.hummel,Julie Hummel]] for program information and [[ecmajeed,Ebony Majeed]] for questions about the application process and financing.