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William & Mary
[PAST EVENT] Russian Folk Music Concert
March 28, 2013
A talented and prolific trio named Zolotoi Plyos will perform. Zolotoi Plyos consists of three musicians, Alexander Solovov, Elena Sadina, and Sergeui Gratchev, who met at the conservatory in Saratov and who now are students of the Royal Carillon Academy in Mechelen, Belgium. They perform authentic Russian folk music from the villages in costume, both a capella and with instrumental accompaniment on over 20 authentic folk instruments (dutki, treshchetki, lozhki, balalaiki, garmoshki, etc.). The name of the group refers to a stretch on the Volga River. Co-sponsored with the Global Studies and Literary and Cultural Studies.
This event is free and open to the public.
This event is free and open to the public.