1L Professor of the Year Award
Monday, April 2 - Thursday, April 5
8am - 8pm
Law School

1Ls! Get ready to vote for the "1L Professor of the Year" Inaugural Award! Honor Council will send out a link to vote at 8am on Monday, April 2nd, and voting will end at 8pm on Thursday, April 5th.

The winner will be announced Monday, April 9th!

    Bluebook/Comment Writing Session (hosted by Joint Journal Committee)
    Monday, April 2
    12:50pm - 1:50pm
    Law School, Room 119

    The Joint Journal Committee will be hosting a Bluebook/Comment Writing Session Monday, April 2nd at 12:50 pm (Room 119). Representatives from each journal will discuss the structure of the comment, general grammar skills, and Bluebooking tips.

      Lecture: Markets and Altruism by UVA Law Professor Julia D. Mahoney
      Monday, April 2
      12:50pm - 1:50pm
      Law School, Room 133

      The Center for the Study of Law and Markets will host a guest lecture on April 2 on markets and altruism by University of Virginia School of Law Professor Julia D. Mahoney.  Free admission and all are welcome.

      Mervis Lecture in Intellectual Property: The Honorable Pierre N. Leval, "Adventures in Fair Use"
      Tuesday, April 3
      12:50pm - 1:50pm
      Law School, Room 127

      The Honorable Pierre N. Leval will deliver the 2017-18 Mervis Lecture. He is a United States Circuit Judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. Admission is free and all are welcome to attend.

        Baxter/Ward Talk: Catherine Carroll on Rule of Law
        Tuesday, April 3
        5pm - 6:30pm

        Baxter/Ward Talk: Courts, Lawyers, and the Rule of Law in a Polarized Era, by Catherine Carroll

          William & Mary's Second Annual Diversity and Inclusion Forum (Reception to Follow)
          Tuesday, April 3
          7pm - 8:30pm
          Sadler Center, Commonwealth Auditorium

          Join five engaging panelists, your friends from across the university, and residents of Williamsburg for this exciting town-gown event to address the key roles that  diversity and inclusion play in our students' wellness.  Reception to follow. 

          Green to Gold Fund Proposals Due
          Wednesday, April 4
          All day
          Location not specified

          Have an idea that could reduce W&M greenhouse gas emissions or resource use, AND save money? Submit a proposal to the Green to Gold Fund! Need some guidance on your idea? We're here to help. For more information go to http://bit.ly/2eZFksc 

            Dean Jackson Remembrance - Law School Community 
            Wednesday, April 4
            12:50pm - 1:10pm
            Law School, Lobby

            Please join members of the Law School Community in a remembrance of Dean Jackson's life on Wednesday at the beginning of the lunch hour. Dean Douglas will be speaking, Law Capella will be preforming, and stories from the Memory Box will be shared. 

              14th Annual Ali's 5K Run/Walk in memory of Ali Kaplan
              Saturday, April 7
              10am - 11:30am
              Law School

              Join the Law School community for the 14th Annual Ali's 5K Run/Walk  in memory of Ali Kaplan and in support of the Law School's Bone Marrow Drive.  Visit the registration site to learn more.

              Volunteer Training for Name and Gender Marker Clinic
              Saturday, April 7
              10am - 12pm
              Law School, Room 127

              The Virginia Equality Bar Association (VEBA) will offer training for attorneys and law students who wish to volunteer at the clinic to be held at the National Center for State Courts.  Hosted by the William & Mary law student Equality Alliance.

              W&M Law School Barristers' Ball
              Saturday, April 7
              7pm - 11:59pm
              Law School

              The Student Bar Association cordially invites you to this year's Barristers' Ball at the Williamsburg Lodge on Saturday, April 7th from 7pm to 12am. 

              Rational Basis [Food]  $50.00

              Intermediate [3 Drinks & Food]  $65.00

              Heightened [5 Drinks & Food]  $75.00

                Federalist Society, Joe Luppino-Eposito, Due Process Institute: Criminal Justice Reform in Virginia 
                Monday, April 9
                12:45pm - 2pm
                Law School, Room 127

                Join the Federalist Society for a meeting on criminal justice reform in Virginia. Free Chick-Fil-A! 

                U.S. Gun Policy: A Global Perspective
                Tuesday, April 10
                12:50pm - 1:50pm
                Law School, Room 127

                Please join ILS on March 27 during the lunch hour for a panel discussion on U.S. gun policy as compared to gun policies around the world. Noodles & Co. will be provided!

                Abortion Rights in America: A Discussion
                Wednesday, April 11
                12:50pm - 1:50pm
                Law School, Room 124

                Join the Public Discourse Initiative on Wednesday, April 11, during the lunch hour (Room 124) as it hosts a discussion between Advocates for Life and If/When/How on the legal and policy issues surrounding abortion rights in America. LUNCH PROVIDED!

                Law Cappella Spring Concert
                Wednesday, April 11
                8pm - 9pm
                Law School, Room 120

                Join us for our final law school performance of the year!

                Roe v. Wade: Past, Present and Future: Professor Geoffrey Stone, University of Chicago
                Thursday, April 12
                12:50pm - 1:50pm
                Law School, Room 120

                The Dunn Civil Liberties Lecture Series is proud to host Geoffrey R. Stone, the Edward H. Levi Distinguished Service Professor at the University of Chicago. 

                Health Policy Lecture featuring Timothy Jost, Emeritus Professor, Washington & Lee School of Law
                Thursday, April 12
                3:30pm - 5pm
                Alan B. Miller Hall (Business School), Brinkley Commons

                Timothy Jost,  Emeritus Professor at the Washington and Lee School of Law, will talk about ?The Business of Health Care in the Affordable Care Act World.?   This event is free and open to the campus. 

                  Election Data Security War Game: Testing Critical Infrastructure Designation
                  Thursday, April 12
                  3:30pm - 6pm
                  Law School, Room 119

                  The William & Mary Election Law Program will host a unique symposium on April 19 aimed at expanding understanding of the role of courts in promoting election security.  Registration is free. Join us!

                  Alumni Weekend 2018
                  Friday, April 13 - Saturday, April 14
                  Law School

                  Many events will be taking place in the lobby and across campus throughout the weekend. Thank you for your patience as we welcome back our alumni during this special weekend!

                  Complete event schedule: <http://law.wm.edu/alumni/reunion/2018classyears/reunion_weekend_schedule/index.php

                    Lifetime Giving Wall Dedication
                    Friday, April 13
                    1:30pm - 2pm
                    Law School

                    Join us for the dedication of the Lifetime Giving Wall in the Law School lobby to kick off Alumni Weekend!

                      Professor Jayne Barnard Portrait Unveiling
                      Friday, April 13
                      4:30pm - 7pm
                      Law School

                      Join us as we unveil the portrait of Professor Jayne Barnard, James Cutler Professor of Law, Emerita, to thank her for her years of service to William & Mary Law School. Wine and cheese reception to follow.

                        Life, Animated
                        Sunday, April 15
                        2pm - 4pm
                        Main Auditorium

                        FedSoc: The Perils of Talking to Police: What Every American Needs to Know About the 5th Amendment 
                        Thursday, April 19
                        12:45pm - 2pm
                        Law School, Room 127

                        Professor Jim Duane of Regent University Law will be discussing "the Perils of Talking to the Police: What Every American Needs to Know About the 5th Amendment." 

                        Conversation Caf?: What a "Health-Promoting University" Means to Me
                        Wednesday, April 25
                        3:30pm - 5:30pm
                        James Blair Hall, Conference Room 114 (Ground floor office closest to Sadler)

                        During this year's National Week of Conversation, join Eric Garrison (SoE '94 and Assistant Director, Health Promotion) for this conversation on what a campus-wide, top-down/botton-up realization of the Okanagan Charter would mean for our university.


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                        Ongoing Events

                        Virginia Bar Association - Interest Meeting
                        Wednesday, October 6 - Wednesday, October 6
                        1pm - 1:50pm
                        Zoom https://cwm.zoom.us/j/3274694342

                        Join the VBA on Wednesday, October 6th, to learn more about the VBA Law School Council, upcoming networking and interview prep events, as well as 1L and 2L opportunities to get involved.