Reves Center for International Studies Events
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Reves Center for International Studies
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Application Deadline for W&M Assisted Enrollment Programs, Spring 2013
Monday, October 1
All day
Location not specified
Application deadline for students intending to study abroad on W&M assisted enrollment programs in spring 2013, excluding National University of Singapore.
Application Deadline for W&M Exchange Programs Spring 2013
Monday, October 1
All day
Location not specified
Application deadline for students intending to participate in W&M study abroad exchange programs in spring 2013, excluding Keio University, McGill University and the National University of Singapore.
Deadline for Penn State University Journal of International Affairs
Monday, October 1
All day
Location not specified
Papers should focus on topics relevant to international affairs, including, but not limited to, economics, political science, security, the environment, terrorism, and diplomacy.
"Amazonian Dark Earths" and their Implications for the Conservation and Development of the Region
Monday, October 1
School of Education, Holly Room
Dr. Antoinette WinklerPrins (Department of Geography, Michigan State University) will deliver a lecture entitled:
"Amazonian Dark Earths" and their Implications for the Conservation and Development of the Region
Antoinette WinklerPrins lecture Black Earths: Conservation and Development in Amazonia
Monday, October 1
School of Education, Holly Room
Antoinette WinklerPrins is an associate professor of geography at Michigan State University and program director of the National Science Foundation's Geography and Spatial Science Program.
Russian Film Series: Jolly Fellows
Monday, October 1
James Blair Hall, Room 205
Jolly Fellows 2 (dir. Feliks Mikhailov 2009)
Application Deadline for Spring 2013 Gilman Scholarships
Tuesday, October 2
All day
Location not specified
This scholarship provides awards for U.S. undergraduate students who are receiving Federal Pell Grant funding at a two-year or four-year college or university to participate in study abroad programs worldwide.
Fall 2012 Career Fair
Tuesday, October 2
11:30am - 6:30pm
The George Washington University, Marvin Center, Washington, D.C.
This event is an excellent opportunity for students, recent graduates, and mid-level professionals to network and learn more about jobs in the field of international development.
Study Abroad Scholarship Information Session
Wednesday, October 3
11:30am - 1:30pm
Sadler Center, Lobby
DC Summer Institutes Information Session
Wednesday, October 3
6pm - 7pm
Sadler Center, Tidewater B
Learn about the 3 institutes being offered in D.C. this coming summer: National Security, New Media and Community Engagement.
The Dalai Lama at W&M: A Preview
Thursday, October 4
7:30pm - 9pm
Sadler Center
Professor Kevin Vose will introduce the Dalai Lama's life and works.
Application Deadline for W&M Sponsored Semester Study Abroad Spring 2013
Friday, October 5
All day
Location not specified
Application deadline for students wishing to participate in W&M sponsored semester programs with a spring option in Spring 2013. Does not include Hertford College, University of Oxford.
J.D. William & Mary School of Law 2010 Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange for Young Professionals
Monday, October 8
2pm - 3pm
Cohen Career Center, Presentation Rooms A&B
This program is a full-year work-study fellowship program with a strong focus on cultural exchange. CBYX annually provides 75 young Americans with an understanding of everyday life, education, and professional training in Germany.
Critical Language Scholarship Information Session
Tuesday, October 9
4pm - 5pm
Reves Hall, Reves Room
Critical Language Scholarships (CLS) provide fully-funded group-based intensive language instruction and structured cultural enrichment experiences for seven to ten weeks in the summer for U.S. citizen undergraduate students.
Application Deadline for Freeman-Asia Spring 2013 Scholarship
Wednesday, October 10
All day
Reves Center for International Studies
Student Application Deadline - October 10, 2012 Adviser Endorsement Deadline - October 17, 2012
Dalai Lama Lecture
Wednesday, October 10
Kaplan Arena
His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, considered one of the world's most influential spiritual leaders and winner of the 1989 Nobel Peace Prize, will speak at W&M. The Dalai Lama is expected to deliver a lecture focused on the virtues of human compassion.
Application Deadline Thurs. Oct 11: Field Research Program on the US-Mexico Border Jan. 6-13
Thursday, October 11
All day
Boswell Hall (formerly Morton Hall)
Borderlands Field Research and Engaged Scholars Program. Students participate in a research delegation and spend one week traveling and conducting exploratory research in the US-Mexico border region. Jan. 6-13
ASMEA Conference: History and the 'New' Middle East and Africa
Thursday, October 11 - Saturday, October 13
Key Bridge Marriott Hotel, Washington D.C.
Fifth annual Association for the Study of Middle East and Africa (ASMEA) conference.
Conference: Which Model, Whose Liberty?
Thursday, October 11
9am - 4:15pm
Conference exploring the differences between the U.S. and European approaches to religious freedom.
Hangeul Day Celebration
Thursday, October 11
Hardy Hall (formerly Jamestown North), 1st Floor Lounge
Come join us for a fun break from midterms and to help us celebrate the creation of the Korean language!
Panel Discussion: The Economic Effects of Military Spending
Friday, October 12
Cato Institute
Cato Institute
Public Lecture. University in Exile: Fiction or Reality in the Modern Landscape of Higher Education?
Friday, October 12
School of Education, Board Room
Please join us Friday, October 12th from 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. in the School of Education Board Room for a lecture by visiting scholar Aliaksandr Kalbaska, Professor and Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, European Humanities University, Lithuania.
Professor Aliaksandr Kalbaska lecture "University in Exile: Fiction or Reality?"
Friday, October 12
3pm - 4pm
School of Education, Board Room
School of Education presents visiting scholar Aliaksandr Kalbaska, Professor and Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, European Humanities University, Lithuania.
Application Deadline for AMIDEAST 2013 Program and Scholarship
Monday, October 15
All day
Location not specified
AMIDEAST Spring 2013 program and scholarship deadline of October 15, 2012 is approaching. Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis at AMIDEAST, which means that some programs may fill before the aforementioned deadline.
Application Deadline for CIEE Spring 2013 Programs
Monday, October 15
All day
Location not specified
Extended application deadline for CIEE Spring 2013 Programs
Application Deadline for Exeter Exchange, Reves Semester Study Abroad Scholarships
Monday, October 15
All day
Location not specified
For use with spring, 2013 study abroad programs.
Deadline for Fulbright in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Wednesday, October 17
All day
Location not specified
Fulbright student researcher grant for Bosnia and Herzegovina
Fall Festival Celebration at W&M Campus Childcare Center
Wednesday, October 17
All day
Campus Childcare Center
Celebrating the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival at the WCCC.
Global Connections: Stress Mgmt & Social Norms
Wednesday, October 17
5:15pm - 6:15pm
Blow Memorial Hall, Room 240
A place to meet other International students, learn about and share experiences while enjoying international snacks. Sponsored by the Reves Center and the Counseling Center. There is no need to reserve a spot! Just show up!
ISSS: Transitioning to Life in the U.S.
Wednesday, October 17
5:15pm - 6:15pm
Reves Center for International Studies
International Student Success Series and Global Connections session on transitioning to life in the U.S., including stress management.
Africana Studies Mellon Panel Series presents "Voter Suppression 2012: Jim Crow Lives"
Thursday, October 18
7pm - 9pm
Sadler Center, Commonwealth Auditorium
Thursday, October 18, 7-9pm
Commonwealth Auditorium @ Sadler Center
ISSS Social Event: Afternoon at the Rec Center
Saturday, October 20
3pm - 4pm
The Bee McLeod Recreation Center
An International Student Success Series social event.
Saturday, October 20
4pm - 6pm
Location not specified
Come join the German Studies Section Saturday, October 20, from 4-6 p.m. for Oktoberfest at the Common Ground and Grill just outside of Giles Hall at the Randolph Complex!
Chinese Language Proficiency Testing (HSK)
Sunday, October 21
All day
Location not specified
All levels (1-VI) Hanyu Shaoping Kaoshi (HSK) testing.
Modernizing Hybridity: McAdoo's Jubliee Singers and Minstrels in South Africa 1890-1898
Wednesday, October 24
12pm - 1:15pm
Boswell Hall (formerly Morton Hall), Morton 314, Women's Studies Conference Room
Africana Studies is proud to present the scholarship of Mellon Fellow of Africana Studies Dr. Chinua Thelwell.
Light refreshments will be served. Morton 314, noon-1 p.m., Wednesday, October 24.
Deloitte Case Competition - Battle of the Beltway - Case Presentations
Wednesday, October 24
2pm - 5pm
Cohen Career Center, Presentation Room
Deloitte's Battle of the Beltway Case Competition is back!
Sophomores and juniors have the opportunity to participate in a real world business case competition.
The Power of Politics and the Politics of Power in Rural Tajikistan
Wednesday, October 24
4pm - 5pm
Reves Center for International Studies, Reves Room
Lecture delivered by Zohra Beben, Visiting Assistant Professor of Anthropology. A Reves Hall Coffee Hour event.
The Farce of Mr. Pathelin Performance
Wednesday, October 24
Kimball Theatre
French language performance of a 15th century French farce by Le Theatre de la Chandelle Verte.
Summer in Beijing 2013 Info Session NEW TIME!
Wednesday, October 24
8pm - 9pm
Washington Hall, Room 201
Come learn about the program and get your questions answered.
Summer in Beijing 2013 Info Session
Wednesday, October 24
8pm - 9:30pm
Washington Hall, Room 201
Come learn about the program and get your questions answered.
Pre-Registration Pizza Party for German Studies Students
Thursday, October 25
5pm - 6:30pm
Washington Hall, Washington 317
Informational session with German Studies faculty explaining the courses being offered Spring semester 2013.
Why Neighbors Kill Neighbors: The Political Origins of Anti-Jewish Violence
Thursday, October 25
Washington Hall, Room 201
Annual George Tayloe Ross Addresses on International Peace lecture. Delivered by Jeffrey Kopstein, University of Toronto. Part of the Reves International Affairs Lecture Series. Open to the public.
The Truth": Soviet and Post-Soviet Documentary Cinema
Friday, October 26
Washington Hall, Room 301
Documentary cinema played a key role in Soviet intellectuals' fight against political censorship during Gorbachev's perestroika. The lecture examines the evolution of Russo-Soviet documentary cinema as an art form and industry in the late USSR and post-So
Deadline for 2012 Reves Study Abroad Photo Contest
Friday, October 26
Location not specified
Enter your photos from fall 2011 through summer 2012.
Pariah: Film and Discussion with Nekisa Cooper '99
Friday, October 26
Washington Hall, Room 201
William & Mary Gay and Lesbian Alumni Association and the Center for Student Diversity welcome Nekisa Cooper '99 for a screening and discussion of her feature film, Pariah. Join us for a reception with Nekisa before the film, and a discussion following.
IR Open House
Saturday, October 27
10am - 12pm
Blow Memorial Hall, Room 201
The International Relations Program invites you to its Open House, Saturday, October 27 at 10 a.m. in Blow Hall 201
Ambassador Gary Locke Webcast: Issues in U.S.-China Relations
Monday, October 29
7:30pm - 10pm
Chancellors Hall (formerly Tyler Hall), Room 102
Webcast from Beijing featuring Gary Locke, U.S. ambassador to China, discussing U.S.-China relations. Audience questions encouraged.
Application Deadline: Study Abroad, Butler University (IFSA-Butler)
Tuesday, October 30
All day
Location not specified
The Institute for Study Abroad, Butler University (IFSA-Butler) has extended the application deadline for select spring, semester 1 and calendar year 2013 programs to October 15 and October 30.
Summer 2013 Cadiz, Spain Study Abroad Program Information Session
Tuesday, October 30
5pm - 6pm
Washington Hall, Room 308
Information session for Summer 2013 Cadiz, Spain Study Abroad Program.
Summer 2013 Montpellier, France Study Abroad Program Information Session
Tuesday, October 30
5pm - 6pm
Washington Hall, Hallway outside 315
Join Professor Maryse Fauvel for an information session about the 2013 Montpellier, France Study Abroad Program.
Summer 2013 Potsdam, Germany Study Abroad Program Information Session
Tuesday, October 30
5pm - 6pm
Washington Hall, Room 315
Join Professor Maria Morrison for an information session devoted to the Summer 2013 Potsdam, Germany Study Abroad Program.
Summer 2013 St. Petersburg Study Abroad Program Information Session
Tuesday, October 30
5pm - 6pm
Washington Hall, Room 201
Information session for the Summer 2013 St. Petersburg Study Abroad Program.
Potsdam Summer Study Abroad Informational Meeting
Tuesday, October 30
5pm - 6:30pm
Washington Hall, Room 315
An information session for all students interested in Summer Study Abroad in Potsdam Germany 2013 will be held Tuesday, October 30, from 5-6 p.m., in Washington Hall 315.
2013 Summer Study Abroad Information Session
Tuesday, October 30
6pm - 7pm
Washington Hall, Room 201
Join Molly DeStafney, Assistant Director for Study Abroad Operations, for an information session about scholarships, financial support and other issues for 2013 summer study abroad programs.
REBEL Ensemble for Baroque Music
Tuesday, October 30
Williamsburg Presbyterian Church, 215 Richmond Road
Barocco: Musical Treasures of the 17th & 18th Centuries
German Film: Das Wunder von Bern (2003)
Wednesday, October 31
7:30pm - 9:30pm
Swem Library, Botetourt Gallery
German Filmabend in Botetourt Gallery, Swem Library, October 31 at 7:30pm
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Ongoing Events
Community Courses: Term 1
Monday, September 17 - Thursday, October 11
Location not specified
Open enrollment for courses in Beginning Chinese I, Business Chinese, Calligraphy and Paper Cutting.