[PAST EVENT] Netherlands Study Abroad Info Session: Responses to Climate Change

December 1, 2023
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The Hague and Leiden photo by Fred Coney

Join Program Director Sarah Stafford and Global Education Office staff to learn about this summer's W&M Netherlands Study Abroad Program: Responses to Climate Change.

The program runs from May 27 to June 8, 2024.

The program will include a “virtual international exchange” with students at the University of Leiden during the spring 2024 semester. During the summer in-county portion of the class, students will have the opportunity to observe a number of different solutions to climate-change-induced sea level rise, severe storm events, and flooding in person and meet with individuals responsible for developing and implementing those solutions. Students will be asked to examine whether the approaches used in the Netherlands can be successfully transferred to the coastal United States. In particular, students will assess the extent to which differences in geography, ecology, politics, law and culture might require modification for those solutions to be successful in the US.

A key component of this course is that it has been designed for both undergraduate and graduate students from all disciplines, as we will be exploring how geography, politics, law, the environment, and culture impact the appropriate solutions to climate change challenges.

The program is open to all majors and classes.  

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