[PAST EVENT] Physics Colloquium - Dr. Andrea J. Welsh

April 23, 2021
4pm - 5pm
Remote via Zoom
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Dr. Andrea J. Welsh, University of Pittsburgh, Title of talk: Dealing with Mental Health as a Young Scientist
Zoom Link available upon request. Please email Ellie at [[evwilk]].

In the past few years, more studies about poor mental health in academia have been conducted and found that Ph.D. students are almost 3 times as likely to develop mental health problems than the general population. Topics often linked with poor mental health are work-life balance, job demands, long work hours, supervisor’s leadership, and financial concerns. Many of these stressors are often exacerbated for those with an underrepresented identity with the addition of factors such as stereotype threat, imposter syndrome, or microaggressions. I will discuss the challenges that lead to poor mental health for early career physicists as well as some possible solutions that can be implemented by individuals and the community.

There will be a gather.town virtual “coffee break” for students to meet with Andrea starting at 3:30 at the following link: https://gather.town/i/Rz0elvji