[PAST EVENT] CHEMINAR Intro to Merck 5 Lessons Learned- Coming Full Circle, Ramona Amaro, Merck Biopharmaceutical

February 9, 2024
2pm - 3pm
Integrated Science Center (ISC), Room 1127
540 Landrum Dr
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
text slide describing seminar title and presenter's information

A seminar unlike others, from the perspective of someone who has BEEN THERE! Ramona Amaro has 26 yrs of experience & she`s happy to be back in her home state of VA to share lessons from her journey. Lessons she wishes someone had told her along the way. Come with your questions and hear honest answers! 

Serve. Inspire. Learn. Joy. Fun. Those are Ramona Amaro's core values. A native of Hampton, VA, she graduated from Hampton High School before taking her love of science to Howard University where she majored in Chemistry. Ramona earning her M.S. in Organic Chemistry in 1997 and joined Merck after being recruited from a NOBCChE Conference. Time flies when you're having fun. This couldn't be truer as Ms. Amaro just celebrated 26 years at Merck and is more excited than ever to be an ambassador for science. ISC 1127 Snacks

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