Counseling Center Events
[PAST EVENT] Support for International Students
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Considering the multiple stressors the pandemic has brought to the international student community accompanied by the impact the different directives the White House has implemented and rescinded in a short period of time, the William & Mary Counseling Center would like express and offer particular support to international students.
We understand that even though the most strict directives requiring international students to take at least one in-person class this fall have been revoked, the back and forth regulations have left students experiencing a high level of uncertainty and anxiety. Furthermore, anti-immigrant sentiments by certain sectors have triggered emotional pain in the international student population.
Clinicians from the William & Mary Counseling Center will be available to process the above mentioned events, the different reactions experienced, potential ways of coping, and where students can support one another. Our hope is that students will feel supported and understood so they can be resilient to focus on the demands of their academic without these very real and heavy burdens weighing them down emotionally and physically. Graduate and undergraduate students are welcomed.
In order to accommodate students’ needs, the meeting will be limited to 30 students.
[[cxsuda, Dr. Carina Sudarsky-Gleiser]]