Law School Events
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Law School
[PAST EVENT] No Transition, No Justice Symposium
September 18, 2020
9am - 5pm
Access & Features
- Open to the public
- Registration/RSVP

The Center for Comparative Legal Studies and Post-Conflict Peace Building, the Center for Racial & Social Justice, the Reves Center for International Studies, and the W.C. Jefferson Chapter of The Black Law Students Association are co-hosting an all-day symposium in September. It is titled "No Transition, No Justice: How the Absence of Transitional Justice Following the Civil War Has Led to Ongoing Racial Injustice in the United States."
View the program; meet the speakers; register.
There is no admission charge to attend this virtual event. Please visit the website below to register and reserve a seat. You will receive a follow-up email the week of the Symposium with log-in links.