[PAST EVENT] Healing the Rift: Infectious Diseases in Post-Conflict Zones

April 3, 2015
10am - 4pm
Law School, Room 120
613 S Henry St
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
The two-part symposium will cover contemporary issues in rule of law development and the challenges faced by international non-governmental organizations and local governments in the wake of health crises.

Jeffery Apperson, Vice-President of National Center for State Courts International, will present on the importance of rule of law development and the role of international non-governmental organizations, local governments and other stake holders.

Followed by Gissou Nia, Deputy Director at the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran, who will present on judicial training in post-conflict states.

Dr. Kaveh Khoshnood, Associate Professor of Epidemiology at Yale School of Public Health, will highlight the role of physicians in post-conflict reconstruction and the relationship between violence and health, with an emphasis on the rise of infectious diseases in Syria.

Sam Slewion will present on the challenges faced by the Liberian government in addressing the breakout of Ebola.

A representative from the Department of State will discuss US policy in regards to displaced persons from affected areas.

Free and all are welcome.

For more information, email fhmanjili@wm.edu