[PAST EVENT] Simulation Week

March 23, 2014 - March 27, 2014
Alan B. Miller Hall (Business School)
101 Ukrop Way
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
Towards the end of the Foundation Semester, classes are canceled for four days and students participate in the infamous Simulation Week. In their teams, students create and run a business through an online simulation. Making decisions such as to what products to sell and where to open stores to how frequently to run advertisements and employee health benefits, students get an introduction to operating a business.

After several days and a simulated five quarters competing in the industry, the team must create an annual report for their company. They also must give a formal presentation of their results to two William & Mary Executive Partners, distinguished business professionals who share their expertise with the College. At the end of the week, teams are ranked according to their results and prizes are given out to the winners. While Simulation Week can be time consuming and lead to late nights, often students find the experience enjoyable and very rewarding.
