Raymond A. Mason School of Business Events
This calendar presented by
Raymond A. Mason School of Business
[PAST EVENT] Ascend National Convention & Career Fair
August 23, 2014 - August 25, 2014
8am - 8pm
The Washington Hilton, 1919 Connecticut Avenue Northwest, Washington DC 20009
This Convention is the largest gathering of over 2,000 leaders and senior executives from a wide cross-section of the Pan-Asian business community.
For a complete schedule {{http://www.ascendleadership.org/page/Conv2014Schedule,click here}}.
To download the 2-page brochure {{http://c.ymcdn.com/sites/www.ascendleadership.org/resource/resmgr/2014_Convention/Ascend_2014_Convention_Flyer.pdf,click here}}.
Open to all students.
For a complete schedule {{http://www.ascendleadership.org/page/Conv2014Schedule,click here}}.
To download the 2-page brochure {{http://c.ymcdn.com/sites/www.ascendleadership.org/resource/resmgr/2014_Convention/Ascend_2014_Convention_Flyer.pdf,click here}}.
Open to all students.