[PAST EVENT] Global Immersion Japan Information Session

October 30, 2014
12:30pm - 1pm
Alan B. Miller Hall (Business School), Room 1008
101 Ukrop Way
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
The College of William and Mary MBA Program Presents

Global Business Immersion: Japan
Business Immersion Planned: 5 March 2015 ?15 March 2015

Course Objective: To explore the Japanese economy and provide students with first-hand knowledge and experience with the Japanese culture and business environment.
First and Second Years in the Full-time program and FLEX Students are eligible.
Spring Semester Credit: 1.5 hours. Limited availability (maximum of 20 students).
Application Deadline: Those interested need to contact Professor Don Rahtz ASAP
Final Deadline to express interest: Friday, November 7, 2014.
Accepted Students: $500 Deposit Due by November 25, 2015.
Estimated Cost: $4295.00 USD (covers all air and ground transportation, lodging, and a large portion of the food. Participants are eligible for student loans from Financial Aid.
Air Travel is Non-Stop Service from Washington Dulles to and from Tokyo Narita.

For additional information contact Professor Don Rahtz at 221-2866 or email Professor Rahtz at don.rahtz@mason.wm.edu

Global Immersion courses count towards your elective credit requirements (1.5 credit hours). Contact me if you have questions about course credit.

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