[PAST EVENT] Application Deadline for 64th Conference on US Affairs (SCUSA)

September 19, 2012
Location not specified
SCUSA is the largest, oldest, and most prestigious undergraduate conference of its type in the world. Approximately 200 undergraduate students from over 100 colleges and universities worldwide attend SCUSA. Throughout the conference, the student delegates and cadets will discuss and debate the impact of past and recent events on the national political strategy of the United States and attempt to formulate policy recommendations for the future. The highlights of the four-day conference include the opening senior panel discussion on the evening of November 7th, an evening keynote banquet address, four roundtable sessions, and a closing-report session on November 10th. Recent keynote speakers have included Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad, Dr. Leslie Gelb, Admiral James Stavridis, and Dr. Rajiv Shah. This year's SCUSA theme is "Leading in Lean Times: Assuring Accountability and Assessing American Priorities in an Age of Austerity."

Interested students should send the following via email to Professor Dennis Smith (dasmi2@wm.edu) by 12 pm on Wednesday, September 19th:
*A resume, listing their major, graduation year,
and cumulative and within major GPA.
*A one-page letter explaining why they want to
participate in SCUSA.

Both document files should be in pdf format.

Professor Dennis Smith, dasmi2@wm.edu