[PAST EVENT] Herbert Scoville Jr. Peace Fellowship Deadline

October 3, 2011
All day
Location not specified
Herbert Scoville Jr. Peace Fellowship, a competitive national program that provides college graduates the opportunity to work in Washington, DC, with one of twenty-seven participating public-interest organizations focusing on international security issues. The Fellowship is offered twice yearly, in spring and fall. It lasts from six to nine months and provides a stipend, health insurance, and travel costs to Washington.

Scoville Fellows may undertake a variety of activities, including research, writing, education, and advocacy in support of the goals of their hos organization and may attend coalition meetings, policy briefings, and Congressional hearings.

The Fellowship is open to all majors as well as all US and non-US citizens living in the US who have an appropriate work permit. There is no application form; application requirements as well as links to the websites of each of the participating groups and information on the work of current and former Scoville Fellows can be found at www.scoville.org.

The next application deadline is October 3, 2011 for the spring 2012 Fellowship.