[PAST EVENT] NATO ACT Day Trip Application Deadline

October 16, 2011
All day
Location not specified
On Friday, October 21, Pi Sigma Alpha, the government honor society, will be taking a day trip to NATO Allied Command Transformation in Norfolk. NATO ACT oversees the new NATO Response Force and other efforts to improve the military capabilities of the Alliance. We will be attending two briefings with Political Advisor Ravic R. Huso (a U.S. Foreign Service Officer) titled "NATO 101" and "Preparing for the 2012 NATO Summit in Chicago", and then eat lunch in the NATO ACT dining hall. There will be lots of opportunities for questions and discussion with Ambassador Huso and other officials at NATO ACT.

All students of any major are invited to attend. We will leave William and Mary at 8am and return around 1pm. The trip is completely free, although you must pay for your own lunch (they said to bring $10 and that will easily cover it).Please use the URL to sign-up by Sunday, October 16 at 11:59 PM. If you have any questions, please contact Nicky Bell at njbell@email.wm.edu.
