W&M Featured Events
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William & Mary
[PAST EVENT] Social Entrepreneurship Experiences in 2015 for Students
December 5, 2014
12pm - 1pm
Alan B. Miller Hall (Business School), Room 3078101 Ukrop Way
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
Social Entrepreneurship Experiences in 2015
Information Session | Friday, December 5 | 12:00-1:00 pm | Miller 3078
Professor McCoy is offering two experiences in Social Entrepreneurship in 2015 (a 3-credit course on campus in Spring and a 6-credit experience in the Dominican Republic in Summer). These experiences are ideal for students interested in understanding and participating in international development projects to address social needs. {{http://masonweb.wm.edu/socialentrepreneurship/, For details and application information.}}
Information Session | Friday, December 5 | 12:00-1:00 pm | Miller 3078
Professor McCoy is offering two experiences in Social Entrepreneurship in 2015 (a 3-credit course on campus in Spring and a 6-credit experience in the Dominican Republic in Summer). These experiences are ideal for students interested in understanding and participating in international development projects to address social needs. {{http://masonweb.wm.edu/socialentrepreneurship/, For details and application information.}}