W&M Featured Events
[PAST EVENT] The Global Financial Policy Coordination Architecture, Lecture by Dr. Dimitri Demekas
As the global economy and financial system become more interconnected, effective coordination of national economic and financial policies is an increasingly pressing need. To do this, we have created a confusing and ever-expanding architecture of institutional structures (IMF, G7, G20, BCBS, IOSCO, IAIS, FSF, FSB, etc.) with widely different governance and accountability arrangements. This lecture by a policy practitioner will disentangle this web of acronyms and ask some ?big questions?: Why has the architecture evolved this way? Why are the governance and accountability arrangements so different? And is this the best we can do to ensure effective policy coordination?
Support for this distinguished lecture is provided by the Reves Center. This talk is co-sponsored by the Institute for the Theory & Practice of International Relations and the Teaching, Research & International Policy Project.