[via Zoom] Amanda Watson, Computer Science - Ph.D. Defense
Friday, April 17
9am - 11am
McGlothlin-Street Hall, ZOOM

[Via Zoom] Amanda Watson, Computer Science - Ph.D. Defense
Title: Wearable Technology for Healthcare and Athletic Performance
Advisor: Dr. Gang Zhou

    [Via Zoom] Xiaodan Zhu, Computer Science -  oral exam
    Friday, April 17
    11am - 1pm
    McGlothlin-Street Hall, ZOOM
    Xiaodan Zhu, Computer Science - oral exam Title: On Cross-Series Machine Learning Models Advisor: Dr. Zhenming Liu
      Webinar: Apoyando a Nuestros Estudiantes en Casa
      Friday, April 17
      12pm - 1pm
      School of Education, Online Webinar

      In this online Spanish-language webinar, educators and health providers from different parts of the world will share ideas for Spanish-speaking families looking to find ways to support their children's learning experience in the midst of the pandemic.

      Webinar: Mental Health, Telehealth and the Coronavirus
      Friday, April 17
      12pm - 1pm
      Zoom Webinar

      Join us live on April 17 as Crystal Joseph '09 discusses how we can ride the current of the pandemic as counseling recipients and mental health professionals.


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      Ongoing Events

      Honors thesis defense
      Thursday, April 16 - Thursday, May 7
      Location not specified

      Honors thesis defense

      Activity Challenge! Walk, Run, or Bike!
      Thursday, April 2 - Friday, May 1
      12:01am - 5pm
      AMERICAN VISION: A Tribute to Carroll Owens, Jr.
      Saturday, February 8 - Sunday, January 10
      Muscarelle Museum of Art, Spigel Gallery
      The Daragan Collection of Almanacs
      Thursday, September 19 - Saturday, August 1
      Swem Library, Bright Gallery, 2nd Floor Rotunda

      Almanacs are annual guidebooks, used as a calendar and sometimes as a diary, for looking up astronomical data or astrological signs, and even as a weather forecast. 

      Paintings by Roser Bru
      Friday, August 31 - Sunday, May 10
      Swem Library, Second Floor, next to Center for Geospatial Analysis
      Virginia Bar Association - Interest Meeting
      Wednesday, October 6 - Wednesday, October 6
      1pm - 1:50pm
      Zoom https://cwm.zoom.us/j/3274694342

      Join the VBA on Wednesday, October 6th, to learn more about the VBA Law School Council, upcoming networking and interview prep events, as well as 1L and 2L opportunities to get involved.