W&M Featured Events
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William & Mary
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CANCELED: Art History Senior Colloquium 2020
with Keynote Lecture by Dr. Lisa Homann
Thursday, April 2 - Friday, April 3
Muscarelle Museum of Art
[POSTPONED] Power Point - Session 2: Working with Animations
Thursday, April 2
10am - 12pm
Jones Hall, Room 203 - Computer Lab
Power Point - Session 2: Working with Animations
Virtual FitWell Class: A Rested Development: Sleep Advice for the W&M Family, with Eric
Thursday, April 2
5pm - 6pm
SuSunday | MoMonday | TuTuesday | WeWednesday | ThThursday | FrFriday | SaSaturday |
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Ongoing Events
[POSTPONED] Chinese Cooking
Thursday, March 19 - Thursday, April 9
11am - 1pm
Baptist Collegiate Ministry, 244 S. Boundary Street, Williamsburg, VA
CANCELED: The Art & Art History Department "Non Majors Show"
Monday, March 2 - Sunday, April 5
Andrews Hall, Andrews Gallery
AMERICAN VISION: A Tribute to Carroll Owens, Jr.
Saturday, February 8 - Sunday, January 10
Muscarelle Museum of Art, Spigel Gallery
The Daragan Collection of Almanacs
Thursday, September 19 - Saturday, August 1
Swem Library, Bright Gallery, 2nd Floor Rotunda
Almanacs are annual guidebooks, used as a calendar and sometimes as a diary, for looking up astronomical data or astrological signs, and even as a weather forecast.
VIRTUAL MUSCARELLE: The Making of Objects of Ceremony
Thursday, June 6 - Saturday, June 6
12am - 12am
Paintings by Roser Bru
Friday, August 31 - Sunday, May 10
Swem Library, Second Floor, next to Center for Geospatial Analysis
Virginia Bar Association - Interest Meeting
Wednesday, October 6 - Wednesday, October 6
1pm - 1:50pm
Zoom https://cwm.zoom.us/j/3274694342
Join the VBA on Wednesday, October 6th, to learn more about the VBA Law School Council, upcoming networking and interview prep events, as well as 1L and 2L opportunities to get involved.