[PAST EVENT] Wadie Said, International Dimension of American Criminal Prosecution: Terrorism Prosecutions 

February 14, 2019
12:45pm - 1:50pm
Law School, Room 124
613 S Henry St
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
Wadie Said
Wadie Said

Prof. Wadie Said, Professor of Law at the University of South Carolina,  explores the far-reaching  domestic effects of the global reach of American criminal law enforcement through  its "war on terror" and "war on drugs."  Offering a detailed discussion of some of the key statutes that reference this international dimension of domestic, criminal law enforcement, particularly the use of the material support ban and the laws against what has been dubbed narcoterrorism, Prof. Said will discuss the effects that  these legal innovations have wrought on the American criminal law system with particular interest in mapping the full implications of controversial law enforcement practices, such as the use of informants. Prof. Said discusses whether  the use of these provisions results in American law enforcement enjoying expansive discretion and fewer checks on their prosecutorial activities or whether these are justifiable legal provisions that grow from the necessities of the US  international policy. 


Stephen Sheehi spsheehi@wm.edu and Nancy Combs ncombs@wm.edu