[PAST EVENT] The Role of Law and Government in Protecting Communities from Extreme Weather and Flood Risks

January 31, 2014 - February 1, 2014
1:30pm - 3pm
Law School
613 S Henry St
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
As the climate changes, extreme weather events, storm surges, water shortages, and coastal flooding caused by sea level rise are likely to create widespread damage and disrupt normal social, ecological, and economic relationships. As such, interdisciplinary collaboration is critical in order to improve how law and government manage these emerging risks. In addition, coastal regions from across the globe must address these problems, creating both challenges for international law and security as well as opportunities for cross-cultural learning and problem solving. The purpose of this symposium, sponsored by the William & Mary Environmental Law and Policy Review in collaboration with the Virginia Coastal Policy Clinic, is to begin building a bridge between academic disciplines and coastal communities representing several geographic scales.

Symposium Agenda

Day 1: Friday, January, 31, 2014

1:30 - 1:45: Welcome /Introduction of Keynote

1:45- 2:45: Keynote Speakers

Managing Climate Risks in the Global Context: Why Adaptation Matters for National Security

Keynote Speaker: Rear Admiral Jonathan White, Oceanographer of the Navy

Planning for Climate Change: A View from India

Rob Verchick, former Deputy Associate Admin for the Office of Policy and head of the Interagency Climate Change Adaptation Task Force. Author of Facing Catastrophe

2:45-3:00: Break

3:00-4:30: Climate Change, Resource and Infrastructure Use: Emerging Regional and International Law Issues

Rudiger Tscherning, Director for The Center for Energy, Environmental and Sustainability Law and Policy, Qatar University College of Law

Francis Botchway, Associate Dean for Research, Qatar University College of Law

Muna Mustafa H A Al-Marzouqi, SJD student at Tulane University Law School, Lecturer at Qatar University College of Law

4:15-5:15: Reception

Day 2: Saturday, February 1, 2014

8:00 - 9:00: Registration and Breakfast

9:00 - 9:10: Welcome and Overview of Schedule

9:30 -10:00: Morning Speaker Session

The Climate Change Challenge: An Update from Washington"

Christina DeConcini, World Resources Institute.

10:15 -11:15: Panel 1- Federal Agency Vulnerability to Climate Change Risks: What is at stake for the Hampton Roads Region?

The purpose of this panel is to generate a discussion that identifies how federal agencies operating in or managing land in the Hampton Roads Region are assessing and preparing for climate change risks.


Josh Bundick, Lead, Environmental Planning for NASA/Wallops

Kevin Holcomb, Deputy Manager at Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge

Joe Bouchard, former head of Norfolk Naval Station and board member of the Hampton Roads Military and Federal Facilities Alliance.

David Young, NASA-Langley

11:15 -11:30: Break

11:30 - 12:45: Panel 2 - From Power Lines to Ports: Protecting Critical Infrastructure

The purpose of this panel is to generate a discussion that identifies the major infrastructure vulnerabilities facing coastal communities.


Emergency Management: Mark Slauter, Virginia Department of Emergency Management

Maritime: David White, Vice President, Virginia Maritime Association

Utilities: Cliona Robb, Christian & Barton

Port: Heather Wood, Virginia Port Authority

Transportation: Trip Pollard, SELC

12:45- 1:45: Lunch

Carl Hershner, VIMS - GIS demonstration

1:45-2:00: Break

2:00 - 3:15: Panel 3 - Perspectives from Law and Policy

The purpose of this panel is to discuss the legal and policy issue local governments will face as they respond to sea level rise.


Professor Peter Byrne, Georgetown Law Center -- Coastal Communities Coping with Koontz: Using Exactions to Adapt to Sea-Level Rise and Storm Surges

Professor John Echeverria, Vermont Law School -- Eminent Domain and Coastal Retreat in the Era of Sea Level Rise

Professor John Nolon, Pace Law School -- Sea Level Rise and Coastal Development: Seeking Solutions Above Regulation

3:15-3:30: Closing

Erica Penn