[PAST EVENT] Free Speech Under Fire

April 6, 2015
Alan B. Miller Hall (Business School), Brinkley Commons
101 Ukrop Way
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
The recent Charlie Hebdo attack and Sony Pictures hacking have thrust into the spotlight threats against freedom of speech and freedom of the press around the world. Conversations at the national level have focused on how terrorism, including cyberterrorism, are impacting these sacred freedoms and what can be done to ensure these freedoms are protected.

William & Mary will be convening a panel discussion focusing on this controversial topic. Participants include Andy Purdy '73, chief cybersecurity officer, Huawei USA, and former chief cyber-security director under President George W. Bush; Drew Dernavich '90, cartoonist, The New Yorker; and Max Fisher '08, content manager/reporter, Vox. Moderating the discussion will be William & Mary Law School Dean Dave Douglas.

Prior to the panel discussion, the panelists will each provide their unique perspective on the issue in a TED Talk-style presentation.

Jennifer Wall