[PAST EVENT] Business and Human Rights Symposium

February 6, 2016
10am - 12pm
Law School, Room 127
613 S Henry St
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
Please join us on Saturday, February 6, for a symposium investigating the intersection between business and human rights. Our panelists will be discussing topics such as guest worker programs in the U.S. and abroad, labor migration, modern slavery, labor exploitation and corporate social responsibility.

After the event, some light refreshments will be served. A book signing table will also be set up for Kevin Bales, where you can purchase a signed copy of Disposable People, New Slavery in the Global Economy. In addition, there will be tons of opportunities to network with the speakers, so we hope to see you there!

Professor Cindy Hahamovitch is a renowned labor historian and the chair of the history department here at William & Mary. Professor Hahamovitch has won many awards in her field. Her recent publication "No Man's Land, Jamaican Guestworkers in America and the Global History of Deportable Labor" won the James A. Rawley Award for the Best Book on U.S. Race Relations, the Merle Curti Award for the Best Book on U.S. Social History and the Philip Taft Labor History Book Award, 2012.

Kevin Bales is the co-founder of Free the Slaves, an internationally recognized NGO, leading the global fight against human trafficking and modern slavery. Having traveled all the way from London, Bales is currently in the U.S. for a three week book tour of his Pulitzer-nominated book, "Disposable People, New Slavery in the Global Economy." In the past, Bales has made appearances on CNN and numerous Ted Talks.

Professor Monti Datta, Associate Professor of Political Science from the University of Richmond, will be our third speaker. Professor Datta has a particular expertise in using data and quantitative methods to fight global slavery. He is also a leading advocate for corporate social responsibility. Bales and Datta are currently working together to create a Global Slavery Index.