[PAST EVENT] EXTREEMS-QED Lecture: Mike Pozulp (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)

October 20, 2017
2pm - 3pm
Jones Hall, Room 302
200 Ukrop Way
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
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  • Open to the public

Speaker: Mike Pozulp (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)

Title: Introduction to Monte Carlo

Abstract: At Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) we rely on Monte Carlo (MC) to solve problems which do not have analytic solutions. In this talk I will briefly overview the math and statistics necessary to understand MC, then show examples of simple MC simulations.

Bio:  Mike Pozulp is a computer scientist working for LLNL's MC Project. His primary effort is devoted to code development for Mercury, a MC radiation transport code. He also maintains the Opacity Library, which is the code project that provides opacity data and associated numerical routines used by LLNL's multi-physics codes for simulating radiation hydrodynamics.


Larry Leemis