[PAST EVENT] ALSA Symposium: Foreign Corrupt Practice Act

February 7, 2014
1pm - 4pm
Law School, Room 141
613 S Henry St
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
What: Asian Law Students Association Presents Symposium: Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
- Jayne Barnard;
- Kimberly Parker;
- Brook Rodgers;
- Andrew Spalding
Where: Room 141
When: Friday Feb. 7, 1:00 to 4:00 p.m.
Lunch and snacks will be provided

We are hosting a series of lectures with four experts in the field of anti-corruption enforcement who will be discussing a wide range of issues including policy perspectives on anti-bribery statutes, cultural conflicts on the concept of corruption, and how our own FCPA compares to the extraterritorial anti-bribery laws of other nations.

This is an amazing opportunity for anyone interested in international law, commerce, or white-collar crime.
