W&M Featured Events
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William & Mary
[PAST EVENT] Careers in Education Panel: K-12 Teaching
March 24, 2021
5pm - 6pm
ZoomAccess & Features
- Registration/RSVP

The Cohen Career Center will host several virtual panels that will explore different fields in the Education industry throughout the spring semester. The Careers in Education Panels will bring together William & Mary alumni, faculty, and experienced professionals working in various concentrations across the education field. This is an opportunity for students to gain knowledge from professionals, ask questions, and network with one another.
This Careers in Education Virtual Panel will focus on careers in K-12 teaching.
Panelists include:
- Elena Marsilii (Kindergarten Teacher at Surry Elementary School)
- Libby Bland (World History & U.S. Government Teacher at Tabb High School)
- Morgan Heard (Lead 7th & 8th Grade History Teacher at Liberty Collegiate Academy)
Be sure to RSVP in TribeCareers for the link to join!
Parker Mercer at [[csga01]]