Mindful Arts Group at the Wellness Center
Wednesday, October 23
11am - 12pm
McLeod Tyler Wellness Center, Studio A

 Join Art Therapist Sarah Balascio to learn how to use mindfulness skills to create art as a way to calm the mind and gain focus. 

    Women's Creativity Group for Faculty & Staff 
    Wednesday, October 23
    12pm - 1pm
    McLeod Tyler Wellness Center, Studio A

      Ongoing Events

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      Campus Food Pantry 
      Saturday, August 31 - Wednesday, December 18
      1pm - 5pm
      Wesley Foundation House: Lower Level 526 Jamestown Rd

      The Campus Food Pantry is OPEN for all WM students, faculty and staff- so please come take some free food to get through finals- featuring canned goods, household items and microwavable meals!

      Hours: Monday 330-530, Thursday 430-630, and Saturday 1-3