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Labor Day (classes meet/ offices closed)
Student Debt Discussion with Senator Mark Warner
Student Debt Discussion with Senator Mark Warner
Tuesday, September 2
Wren Building, Great Hall
Senator Mark Warner is going to be on W&M?s campus on Tuesday, September 2 for a discussion with students, faculty, and administrators regarding student debt and the Dynamic Student Loan Repayment Act.
Seating is limited; RSVP online.
Departmental Seminar
Departmental Seminar
Wednesday, September 3
4pm - 5pm
McGlothlin-Street Hall, Room 219
Dr. Jessica Ball (W&M Geology '07) presents "Still dangerous ground: Hydrothermal alteration's effects on the stability of the post-eruptive lava domes".
Dobrynia Nikitich and the Dragon
Dobrynia Nikitich and the Dragon
Wednesday, September 3
5pm - 6:30pm
Washington Hall, Room 201
First film in the student-run film series "Russia in Global Film Formats?" which runs from September 3 to September 18.
Join the Game Design Club
Join the Game Design Club
Wednesday, September 3
7pm - 8pm
Tucker Hall, Room 222
The Game Design Club is looking for new members. Join us at our first meeting on Wednesday, September 3, at 7:00 pm.
Elise Schweitzer Exhibition - Andrews Gallery
Elise Schweitzer Exhibition - Andrews Gallery
Thursday, September 4 - Thursday, September 25
Andrews Hall, Andrews Gallery
Please join us for an exhibition of Elise Schweitzer paintings from September 4-25, 2014. Reception on September 11, from 4-6pm.
First COS Programs & Education Subcomittee Meeting!
First COS Programs & Education Subcomittee Meeting!
Thursday, September 4
2:30pm - 3:30pm
James Blair Hall, Room 205
Come hear how you can participate with the Committee on Sustainability's Programs & Education Subcommittee! We have many great events planned for this year so check what's happening and how you can get involved.
History Activity Fair
History Activity Fair
Thursday, September 4
2:30pm - 4:30pm
James Blair Hall
Come join the various clubs and organizations dedicated to the study of history as we welcome new students to campus! Meet us at James Blair Courtyard from 2:30-4:30 on Thursday, September 4th for an informal meet and greet-- food will be provided!
Theories of International Politics and Zombies
Theories of International Politics and Zombies
Thursday, September 4
5pm - 6:30pm
Andrews Hall, Room 101
Daniel W. Drezner presents: "Theories of International Politics and Zombies." Drezner is a professor of international politics at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University and senior fellow at the Brookings Institution.
Syndicate Hip Hop Dance Team Fall Tryouts
Syndicate Hip Hop Dance Team Fall Tryouts
Thursday, September 4
7pm - 9pm
Sadler Center, Commonwealth Auditorium
Come audition for W&Ms student choreographed hip hop dance team! We will teach you a short 30-second combination to perform in small groups at the end. Prepared solos are welcome but not required. There are two audition sessions: 7-8 or 8-9.
SIA Fall Informational
SIA Fall Informational
Thursday, September 4
7:13pm - 8pm
Tucker Hall, Tucker 325
Come and learn why we constantly strive towards the expansion of awareness of the Latino and diverse cultures, how we promote sisterhood and leadership among our members, and serve as models of excellence in education and achievement among women.
Application Deadline: Keio University Tuition Exchange Program
Application Deadline: Keio University Tuition Exchange Program
Friday, September 5
All day
Apply online
Apply online
Last day to Add/Drop
Last day to add/drop (and elect audit or pass/fail option)
Last day to add/drop (and elect audit or pass/fail option)
Friday, September 5
All day
Location not specified
Africana First Friday Lecture with Robert Trent Vinson
Africana First Friday Lecture with Robert Trent Vinson
Friday, September 5
12pm - 1pm
Boswell Hall (formerly Morton Hall), Room 314
Please join Africana Studies' First Friday Lecture with Professor Robert Trent Vinson. His lecture is entitled, "Before Mandela, Like a King: The Prophetic Politics of Albert Luthuli."
The Smoking Gun: Searching for a Supercontinent Trigger in northwestern Arizona
The Smoking Gun: Searching for a Supercontinent Trigger in northwestern Arizona
Friday, September 5
McGlothlin-Street Hall, Room 230
Come see our first Brown Bag talk of the semester with host, Megan Flansburg!
Fall Seminar: Leon Avery--VCU
Fall Seminar: Leon Avery--VCU
Friday, September 5
Washington Hall, Room 201
"Alcohol and social behavior in worms"
Physics Colloquium
Physics Colloquium
Friday, September 5
Small Hall, Room 111
Prof. Predrag Nikolic, George Mason University, Title of Talk: The rise of topological quantum entanglement
Fall Philosophy Department BBQ (Philosophy Students Invited!)
Fall Philosophy Department BBQ (Philosophy Students Invited!)
Friday, September 5
James Blair Hall
Philosophy students are invited to a BBQ and a volleyball game with the Philosophy Dept. faculty!
Withdrawal period begins
Belly Dance Classes
Belly Dance Classes
Sunday, September 7
12pm - 1pm
Sadler Center, Chesapeake B
Learn the art of Belly Dance with the William & Mary Beledi Club!
Lunch talk with Ken Feinberg
Lunch talk with Ken Feinberg
Monday, September 8
12:45pm - 2pm
Boswell Hall (formerly Morton Hall), 140C
Kenneth R. Feinberg, renowned dispute resolution expert and mediator, and Williamson Fellow, will present at a lunch talk on September 8, at 12:45 PM, in Morton Hall, Room 140C (MPR). Lunch will be provided.
AIA - Joukowsky Lecture
AIA - Joukowsky Lecture
Monday, September 8
4:30pm - 6:30pm
Andrews Hall, Room 101
Thomas H. Carpenter is the Charles J. Ping Professor of Humanities and Distinguished Professor of Classics with the Department of Classics and World Religions at Ohio University. He will be speaking on The Un-Heroic in Archaic Greek Art.
Microsoft Resume Exchange
Microsoft Resume Exchange
Tuesday, September 9
10am - 2pm
Cohen Career Center, Atrium
Bring your resume and chat with Microsoft recruiters, including William and Mary alums. This is a great opportunity to connect with Microsoft in a relaxed setting.
To Be Rescheduled - Lecture: Unconventional Responses to Unique Catastrophes (Kenneth R. Feinberg)
To Be Rescheduled - Lecture: Unconventional Responses to Unique Catastrophes (Kenneth R. Feinberg)
Tuesday, September 9
12:50pm - 1:50pm
Law School, Room 119
Mr. Feinberg is not able to join us today for his scheduled lecture. We hope to reschedule his lecture at a future time. Please watch our calendar for details.
Microsoft Coding Competition
Law School Application Workshop
Law School Application Workshop
Tuesday, September 9
6pm - 7:30pm
Boswell Hall (formerly Morton Hall), Room 40
Presented by Professor Christine Nemacheck.
If you are applying to law school or are planning on attending law school at some point after graduation, please attend this workshop to be held on Tuesday September 9, from 6-7:30pm in Morton Hall 40.
Time & Energy Management Session
Time & Energy Management Session
Wednesday, September 10
4pm - 6pm
Blow Memorial Hall, Room 334
This workshop will focus on maintaining a healthy mind and body with strategies for managing school work, and extracurricular activities while emphasizing the maintenance of good health habits such as exercising and eating well.
Welcome Back Reception
Welcome Back Reception
Wednesday, September 10
4pm - 6pm
Boswell Hall (formerly Morton Hall), Room 314
The Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies Program invites students, faculty and friends to our Welcome Back Reception!
Light appetizers and drinks available.
Visual Cultures of East Asia Lecture Series (Daisuke Miyao)
Visual Cultures of East Asia Lecture Series (Daisuke Miyao)
Wednesday, September 10
4:30pm - 6:30pm
Washington Hall, Room 307
Prof. Daisuke Miyao (University of California-San Diego), will offer a talk entitled "Japonisme and the Birth of Japanese Female Film Actors."
German Studies Lecture: Professor Stephen Brockmann
German Studies Lecture: Professor Stephen Brockmann
Wednesday, September 10
5pm - 6:30pm
Washington Hall, Room 201
Professor Stephen Brockmann (Carnegie-Mellon) Lecture (In English): "German Culture, Globalization, and Transnationalism," Wednesday, Sept 10, 5pm, WASH 201
Microsoft Careers Presentation
Microsoft Careers Presentation
Wednesday, September 10
5:30pm - 6:30pm
Cohen Career Center
Learn about exciting career paths at Microsoft and how to apply. Connect with MS recruiters and W&M alums working at MS.
Social Hour
Zachary Sean Brown Final Oral Examination for the Ph.D. Degree, Physics
Zachary Sean Brown Final Oral Examination for the Ph.D. Degree, Physics
Thursday, September 11
2pm - 4:30pm
Small Hall, Room 122
Zachary Sean Brown
Final Oral Examination for the Ph.D. Degree
Title: Heavy Flavor Interactions and Spectroscopy from Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics
Presentation on the prosecution of 9/11 Conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui
Presentation on the prosecution of 9/11 Conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui
Thursday, September 11
3:30pm - 5pm
Law School, Room 141
Presentation on the prosecution of Zacarias Moussaoui, the only person convicted for his role in the September 11 attacks
More Zombies! Screening of "Juan of the Dead"
More Zombies! Screening of "Juan of the Dead"
Thursday, September 11
4pm - 5pm
Tucker Hall, 127A
Screening of feature film from Cuba as a follow on to last week's IR Theory & Zombies feature.
Elise Schweitzer Exhibition - Andrews Gallery Reception
Elise Schweitzer Exhibition - Andrews Gallery Reception
Thursday, September 11
4pm - 6pm
Andrews Hall, Gallery
Please join us for an exhibition of Elise Schweitzer paintings from September 4-25, 2014. Reception on September 11, from 4-6pm.
Vortrag von Prof Stephen Brockmann (Carnegie-Mellon)
Vortrag von Prof Stephen Brockmann (Carnegie-Mellon)
Thursday, September 11
4:30pm - 5:30pm
Washington Hall, Room 315
Professor Stephen Brockmann spricht ueber "DDR-Film und der Zweite Weltkrieg" am Donnerstag, den 11. September, 16 Uhr 30 in WASH 315
Focus ON: The Truman Scholarship
Focus ON: The Truman Scholarship
Thursday, September 11
5pm - 5:45pm
Blow Memorial Hall, Room 201
Juniors with strong academic records and excellent leadership history who plan to pursue careers in public service should attend this session. Sophomores and freshmen are also encouraged to attend.
Moscow on the Hudson
Moscow on the Hudson
Thursday, September 11
5:30pm - 7pm
150 (new location!)
This is the second film in the student-run film series "Russia in Global Film Formats" which runs from September 3 to September 18.
W&M in Washington Applications Open!
W&M in Washington Applications Open!
Thursday, September 11
Sadler Center, Tidewater A
Applications for W&M in Washington's Spring 2015 semester are open!
W&M in Washington Information Session
W&M in Washington Information Session
Thursday, September 11
Sadler Center, Tidewater A
Join us for the W&M in Washington Spring 2015 Information Session to find out more about the semester program and the Spring 2015 theme!
Sustainability Summit Working Group
Sustainability Summit Working Group
Thursday, September 11
Tucker Hall, Room 110
Would you like to plan this year's Sustainability Summit? The Committee on Sustainability's Programs and Education Subcommittee is looking for interested volunteers! This is the first meeting of the year, and is open to everyone.
No Physics Colloquium Today
2014 Fall Career & Internship Fair
Geology Department Field Trip
Geology Department Field Trip
Friday, September 12 - Saturday, September 13
2pm - 5pm
Location not specified
A Geologic Float Trip Down the James River
Berkeley Research Group Fall 2014 Case Competition
Berkeley Research Group Fall 2014 Case Competition
Friday, September 12
3:30pm - 4:30pm
Cohen Career Center, Presentation Room
Kick-off will take place Friday, September 12th and teams will have until September 17th to submit their reports. Four teams will be selected to present their findings on September 19th to our expert panel for a chance at the prize money.
Fall Seminar: Jonathan Allen--W&M
Fall Seminar: Jonathan Allen--W&M
Friday, September 12
Andrews Hall, Room 101
"Developmental plasticity in a variable environment: lessons from marine invertebrates"
Once Upon a Crime
Once Upon a Crime
Saturday, September 13
2pm - 3:30pm
Kimball Theater: 424 W Duke of Gloucester St, Williamsburg, VA 23185
Jurists of all ages are invited to the Kimball Theatre to decide the verdict in Once Upon a Crime, a series of fairytale mock trials. William and Mary Law Students will present these entertaining and hilarious one-act shows for everyone to enjoy!
Award-Winning Journalist Presentation
Award-Winning Journalist Presentation
Sunday, September 14
Blow Memorial Hall, Room 201
Steve Sapienza will be making a one-time visit to the College. His reporting ranges from HIV to environmental issues, and from the Caribbean to Asia. Steve will be leading an informal discussion about trends in digital media journalism.
Truman Scholarship Pre-Application Deadline
Truman Scholarship Pre-Application Deadline
Monday, September 15
Location not specified
Juniors: Do you have a strong record of leadership and a good academic record? Are you interested in a career in public service? If yes, you should look into the Truman Scholarship. Pre-application deadline is September 15.
Russian Tea_I
Russian Tea_I
Monday, September 15
Pleasants Hall (Randolph Complex), 3rd floor
Intermediate Russian Conversation
Philosophy Colloquium: Manuel Vargas (U of San Francisco), "Negligence and Social Self-Governance"
Philosophy Colloquium: Manuel Vargas (U of San Francisco), "Negligence and Social Self-Governance"
Monday, September 15
4:30pm - 6:30pm
Washington Hall, Room 307
Manuel Vargas, Professor of Philosophy and Law at the University of San Francisco, will give a talk as part of the Department of Philosophy's Colloquium series. All interested persons are invited. Students are welcome!
Join Us: Conversation with Paul Begala
Join Us: Conversation with Paul Begala
Monday, September 15
Chancellors Hall (formerly Tyler Hall), 127A
Join W&M in Washington for a "Conversation with Paul Begala," a political strategist and CNN contributor.
Movie Night at the Hispanic House
Movie Night at the Hispanic House
Monday, September 15
6:30pm - 8:45pm
Swem Library, Botetourt Theatre - Ground Floor, Swem Library
Hispanic House invites you to watch: "Como agua para chocolate" (Like water for chocolate), a Mexican film of the year 1992.
Big Ideas Competition Interest Meeting
Big Ideas Competition Interest Meeting
Tuesday, September 16
Blow Memorial Hall, Room 201
Do you have an idea you think may change the world? In partnership with AidData and USAID's Higher Education Solutions Network, UC Berkeley's Big Ideas Competition seeks W&M students to voice and develop their project proposals.
UC Berkeley's Big Ideas @ WM
UC Berkeley's Big Ideas @ WM
Tuesday, September 16
6pm - 7pm
Blow Memorial Hall, Room 201
Please join us on Tuesday, September 16th at 6 PM in Blow 201 for an opportunity to hear more about the competition, network with interested students, and learn more about the resources and support available to make your big ideas a reality.
Acropolis Magazine Interest Meeting
Acropolis Magazine Interest Meeting
Tuesday, September 16
Andrews Hall, Andrews Hall Lobby
Acropolis Magazine, William & Mary's first and only Art History Publication is currently looking to fulfill positions!
Artist Lecture and Demonstration: Jo Volley
College Curriculum Brownbag: Info session for faculty
College Curriculum Brownbag: Info session for faculty
Wednesday, September 17
12pm - 1pm
Swem Library, Open Classroom, 1st Floor
The Center for the Liberal Arts, and its eight faculty fellows, cordially invite A&S faculty to a brownbag session to review the key goals and components of the new College Curriculum. Lunch will be provided (please rsvp to [[scotto]]).
Lecture: Russia, Ukraine, and the Borders of Europe
Lecture: Russia, Ukraine, and the Borders of Europe
Wednesday, September 17
3:30pm - 5pm
Small Hall, Room 111
Reves Hall Global Lectures are informal discussions between featured speakers, students, professors and other guest speakers on global affairs. The lectures are free and open to the public.
Focus ON: The Churchill Scholarship
Focus ON: The Churchill Scholarship
Wednesday, September 17
4pm - 5pm
Blow Memorial Hall, Room 201
Come to this session to learn about the campus nomination process for this award that funds a year of graduate study in a STEM field at Cambridge University.
Wednesday, September 17
4pm - 5:30pm
Washington Hall, Room 308
Wednesday September 17, 2014 at 4:00 pm
Washington Hall, room 308
Intrinsic Membrane Properties of Hypothalamic Neuroendocrine Cells
Field Research on the US-Mexico Border
Field Research on the US-Mexico Border
Wednesday, September 17 - Thursday, September 18
5pm - 5pm
Washington Hall, Room 301
This one-credit guided research course will enable selected students to expand their scholarship on Immigration, Border Studies, and Human Rights through field research on the U.S.-Mexico border over Winter Break.
NASA Langley Information Session
Der Filmabend - Metropolis
Der Filmabend - Metropolis
Wednesday, September 17
6:30pm - 9pm
Boswell Hall (formerly Morton Hall), Room 001
Generally considered the first great science-fiction film, "Metropolis" (1927) fixed for the rest of the century the image of a futuristic city as a hell of scientific progress and human despair.
Russian Tea_A
Russian Tea_A
Wednesday, September 17
Pleasants Hall (Randolph Complex), 3rd floor
Advanced Russian Conversation
College Curriculum Brownbag: Info session for faculty
College Curriculum Brownbag: Info session for faculty
Thursday, September 18
12:30pm - 1:30pm
Swem Library, Open Classroom, 1st Floor
The Center for the Liberal Arts, and its eight faculty fellows, cordially invite A&S faculty to a brownbag session to review the key goals and components of the new College Curriculum. Lunch will be provided (please rsvp to [[scotto]]).
Life in 4D: A Stereoscopic Journey Through Space and Time
Life in 4D: A Stereoscopic Journey Through Space and Time
Thursday, September 18
5pm - 6:30pm
James Blair Hall, Room 205
On Thursday, September 18th at 5PM in James Blair 205 Phi Alpha Theta will be sponsoring a lecture by Prof. George Mutter of Harvard on his collection of stereoscopic photographs.
Taras Bulba
Taras Bulba
Thursday, September 18
5pm - 7pm
Tucker Hall, 127a
Last film in the student-run film series "Russia in Global Film Formats?"
BLSA Talent Show: "Law School's Got Talent"
BLSA Talent Show: "Law School's Got Talent"
Thursday, September 18
7pm - 9pm
THE EVENT IS NOT AT THE LAW SCHOOL. It will be held at the Williamsburg Regional Library Theatre 515 Scotland Street
If anyone wants to perform, email:
We will take donations at the door, which go toward our community service objectives and our travel costs so our members can represent William and Mary at national competitions.
BioMath Talk: Zhisheng Shuai (University of Central Florida)
BioMath Talk: Zhisheng Shuai (University of Central Florida)
Friday, September 19
12pm - 1pm
Integrated Science Center (ISC), Room 3020
Title: Dynamical Systems on Networks with Application to Ecology and Epidemiology
May I Date Your Water?
May I Date Your Water?
Friday, September 19
McGlothlin-Street Hall, Room 230
Come to this Brown Bag talk and find out why senior Alana Burton wants to "date" groundwater and surface water.
William & Mary's Constitution Day Lecture: Judge Jeffrey S. Sutton
William & Mary's Constitution Day Lecture: Judge Jeffrey S. Sutton
Friday, September 19
12:45pm - 2pm
Law School, Room 124
Judge Jeffrey Sutton of the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals will present the Constitution Day Lecture, "Why State Constitutional Law May be More Important than Federal Constitutional Law," on Sept. 19, at 12:45 PM, in rm 124. Free & all are welcome.
Mathematics Colloquium: Zhisheng Shuai (University of Central Florida)
Mathematics Colloquium: Zhisheng Shuai (University of Central Florida)
Friday, September 19
2pm - 3pm
Jones Hall, Room 301
Title: Disease Invasion and Control on Community Network
Fall Seminar: Matthias Leu- W&M
Fall Seminar: Matthias Leu- W&M
Friday, September 19
Washington Hall, Room 201
"Putting oomph into policy: How the Acer lab strengthens conservation strategies with field sampling and spatial modeling"
Physics Colloquium
Physics Colloquium
Friday, September 19
4pm - 5pm
Small Hall, Room 111
Prof. Carl Carlson, William & Mary
Title of Talk: "The Proton Radius Puzzle"
Dumpling Night
Family Weekend Picnic
Family Weekend Picnic
Friday, September 19
5:30pm - 8pm
Professor Lockwood's house
Mingle with friends, family, and faculty at this year's departmental picnic. Sign up outside of Linda's office.
CSO's Harvest Moon Festival
CSO's Harvest Moon Festival
Friday, September 19
6pm - 9pm
Sadler Center, Commonwealth Theater
This is a play put on by W&M's Chinese Student Organization. It's a cultural play celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival. It will have dances, fight scenes, comedy, and culture. After the play, dinner will also be provided.
Family Weekend Concert
Family Weekend Concert
Friday, September 19
Kaplan Arena
Sit back, relax, and enjoy the sounds of the W&M Women's Chorus, Choir, Wind Symphony, and Orchestra.
Pediatric Global Health: Academic Medical Centers Engagement with the World
Pediatric Global Health: Academic Medical Centers Engagement with the World
Saturday, September 20
8am - 3pm
The Williamsburg Lodge
A conference with speakers, panel discussions, and audience participation focusing on academic medical center's role in global health.
Green Out with Branch Out
Green Out with Branch Out
Saturday, September 20
8am - 4:30pm
ign up at OCE's front desk on the 3rd floor of Blow Hall
Awesome opportunity to get involved with sustainable service on campus
Once Upon a Crime
Once Upon a Crime
Saturday, September 20
2pm - 3:30pm
Kimball Theater: 424 W Duke of Gloucester St, Williamsburg, VA 23185
Jurists of all ages are invited to the Kimball Theatre to decide the verdict in Once Upon a Crime, a series of fairytale mock trials. William and Mary Law Students will present these entertaining and hilarious one-act shows for everyone to enjoy!
Family and Friends Weekend Reception and Research Showcase
Family and Friends Weekend Reception and Research Showcase
Saturday, September 20
4pm - 5pm
Tucker Hall, Room 111
Join us for a meet-and-greet with the co-director of WMSURE Prof. Cheryl Dickter and a showcase of research by WMSURE students. Refreshments will be provided.
{{, Please register.}}
Middle Eastern Music Ensemble Family Weekend Concert
Middle Eastern Music Ensemble Family Weekend Concert
Saturday, September 20
4pm - 5pm
Wren Building, Great Hall
Join the Middle Eastern Music Ensemble as they perform in their annual debut performance.
Chinese House Open House
Family Weekend Open House at the Hispanic House
Family Weekend Open House at the Hispanic House
Saturday, September 20
4pm - 6pm
2nd Floor, Hispanic House.
Hispanic House invites you to the Hispanic Open House for Family Weekend.
Once Upon a Crime
Once Upon a Crime
Saturday, September 20
7pm - 8:30pm
Kimball Theater: 424 W Duke of Gloucester St, Williamsburg, VA 23185
Jurists of all ages are invited to the Kimball Theatre to decide the verdict in Once Upon a Crime, a series of fairytale mock trials. William and Mary Law Students will present these entertaining and hilarious one-act shows for everyone to enjoy!
Japanese House Movie Night "Wow-Choten Hotel"
Japanese House Movie Night "Wow-Choten Hotel"
Saturday, September 20
8pm - 10:30pm
Preston Hall (Randolph Complex), Japanese House Lounge
We will watch the Japanese movie, "Wow-Choten Hotel".
You don't need sign-up for Movie Night. You can enter or exit anytime during the show.
Once Upon a Crime
Once Upon a Crime
Sunday, September 21
2pm - 3:30pm
Kimball Theater: 424 W Duke of Gloucester St, Williamsburg, VA 23185
Jurists of all ages are invited to the Kimball Theatre to decide the verdict in Once Upon a Crime, a series of fairytale mock trials. William and Mary Law Students will present these entertaining and hilarious one-act shows for everyone to enjoy!
Scholarship Deadline: Fulbright Study/Research Awards
Scholarship Deadline: Fulbright Study/Research Awards
Monday, September 22
Location not specified
Applications for Fulbright Study / Research Awards are due by noon on Monday, September 22.
Psychology Department Colloquium
Psychology Department Colloquium
Monday, September 22
12pm - 1pm
Talk by Dr. Kevin Pelphrey, Director of the Child Neuroscience Laboratory, at Yale University
Russian Tea_I
Russian Tea_I
Monday, September 22
Pleasants Hall (Randolph Complex), 3rd floor
Intermediate Russian Conversation
State Department Summer Internships - Info Session
State Department Summer Internships - Info Session
Monday, September 22
5pm - 6pm
Blow Memorial Hall, Room 201
Come to this session to learn about the application process for summer internships with the US State Department and the Harriman Fellowship.
Movie Night at the Hispanic House
Movie Night at the Hispanic House
Monday, September 22
6:30pm - 8:30pm
Tucker Hall, 127 A
Hispanic House invites you to watch he film: "Hombres armados" (Men with gungs), a film of the year 1997.
U.S. House of Representatives Candidate Norm Mosher Visit
U.S. House of Representatives Candidate Norm Mosher Visit
Tuesday, September 23
11am - 3:20pm
Sadler Center
The Democratic Candidate for Virginia's 1st District, Norm Mosher, will be visiting William and Mary on Tuesday to speak with students. He will be holding individual sessions to discuss the topics of student diversity and student health and safety.
GSWS Brownbag with Wouter Deconinck
GSWS Brownbag with Wouter Deconinck
Tuesday, September 23
12:30pm - 1:30pm
Boswell Hall (formerly Morton Hall), Room 314
Please join our brownbag with Wouter Deconinck, Assistant Professor of Physics. His talk is entitled, "Queer Geeks: Creating a LGBT + Inclusive Climate in the Physical Sciences." All are welcome! Light snacks and drinks available.
Bellini Colloquium: Rachel DiNitto: "Bodies in the Zone: Literature from Japan's Fukushima Disaster"
Bellini Colloquium: Rachel DiNitto: "Bodies in the Zone: Literature from Japan's Fukushima Disaster"
Tuesday, September 23
3:30pm - 5pm
Washington Hall, Room 315
Prof. DiNitto's lecture focuses on Takahashi Genichiro's novel "The Nuclear Reactor in Love" (Koisuru genpatsu, 2011), an intriguing story about a charity project that uses adult videos to raise money for the March11 victims of Japan's Fukushima.
Cutler Lecture: Professor Kenji Yoshino, NYU School of Law
Cutler Lecture: Professor Kenji Yoshino, NYU School of Law
Tuesday, September 23
3:30pm - 5pm
Law School, Room 127
Professor Kenji Yoshino of New York University School of Law will present the 2014 Cutler Lecture titled "Constitutional Factfinding: The Case of Same-Sex Marriage" on September 23 at 3:30PM in Rm 127 at W&M Law School. Free and all are welcome.
Italian House--Movie Night
Italian House--Movie Night
Tuesday, September 23
Pleasants Hall (Randolph Complex)
We will be showing "La prima cosa bella"
Running for President in 2016: The Complex Laws You Have to Navigate
Running for President in 2016: The Complex Laws You Have to Navigate
Wednesday, September 24
Law School, Room 141
Jason Torchinsky, partner at HoltzmanVogelJosefiak PLLC, will discuss the legal side of running a Presidential campaign, covering everything from the delegation selection process to campaign finance to preparing for a potential recount.
Focus ON: The Luce Scholarship
Focus ON: The Luce Scholarship
Wednesday, September 24
Blow Memorial Hall, Room 333
The program provides stipends, language training, and individualized professional placement in Asia and welcomes applications from college seniors, graduate students, and young professionals in a variety of fields who have had limited exposure to Asia.
Funding Study Abroad Info Session
Funding Study Abroad Info Session
Wednesday, September 24
5pm - 6pm
Washington Hall, Room 201
Want to study abroad, but think you can't afford to go?
Scholarships and financial aid are available for funding your study abroad experience.
Cooking Class -- Risotto allo zafferano
Cooking Class -- Risotto allo zafferano
Wednesday, September 24
Pleasants Hall (Randolph Complex)
Come and help cook a great "risotto"
German House Filmabend: M - Eine Stadt sucht einen Moerder
German House Filmabend: M - Eine Stadt sucht einen Moerder
Wednesday, September 24
6:30pm - 8:30pm
Boswell Hall (formerly Morton Hall), Room 001
Fritz Lang's classic early talkie crime melodrama is set in 1931 Berlin. The police are anxious to capture an elusive child murderer (Peter Lorre), and they begin rounding up every criminal in town.
Russian Tea_A
Russian Tea_A
Wednesday, September 24
Pleasants Hall (Randolph Complex), 3rd floor
Advanced Russian Conversation
[AMP] Professor Talk: Jennifer Taylor Edition
[AMP] Professor Talk: Jennifer Taylor Edition
Wednesday, September 24
7pm - 8pm
Sadler Center, Tidewater A
Come join AMP and Professor Jenny Taylor to talk about the parallels between classic horror cinema and modern horror blockbusters, including "Shutter Island," "The Shining," and more!
The Immigration Roundtable at W&M
The Immigration Roundtable at W&M
Thursday, September 25
12:50pm - 1:50pm
Law School, Room 127
Professor Angela Banks and the Immigration Law & Service Society present the Immigration Roundtable at W&M.
Graduate and Professional School Fair
Graduate and Professional School Fair
Thursday, September 25
1pm - 4pm
Sadler Center, 3rd Floor
Please consider attending the Career Center's Graduate and Professional School Fair, Thursday, 9/25, 1-4 PM.
Virginia N. Brinkley Lecture
Virginia N. Brinkley Lecture
Thursday, September 25
4:30pm - 6:30pm
Andrews Hall, Room 101
Professor Susan Rotroff will be speaking on Phrasikleia and the Merenda Kouros: Beauty, Victory, Death and Marriage in Archaic Athens.
W&M Program in La Plata, info session
Japanese House Culture Night
Japanese House Culture Night
Thursday, September 25
6pm - 7pm
Preston Hall (Randolph Complex), Japanese House Lounge
"Let's make an origami box!!"
You can make your own box with various patterns of origami. You can also bring materials that you'd like to use.
Bio Ritmo Salsa Band!
Bio Ritmo Salsa Band!
Thursday, September 25
Sadler Center, Commonwealth Auditorium
The Center for Student Diversity invites you to come out on Thursday, September 25th at 6:30pm to dance and enjoy the rhythmic sounds of Bio Ritmo!
Location: Commonwealth Auditorium
An Evening of Salsa featuring BIO RITMO
An Evening of Salsa featuring BIO RITMO
Thursday, September 25
6:30pm - 8pm
Sadler Center, Commonwealth Auditorium
Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month
BIKE Initiative Interest Meeting
BIKE Initiative Interest Meeting
Thursday, September 25
7pm - 9pm
Alan B. Miller Hall (Business School), Room 1069
Movie night - Paris, je t'aime
Movie night - Paris, je t'aime
Thursday, September 25
French House living room
Movie night at the French House.
Chinese House Movie Night
Chinese House Movie Night
Thursday, September 25
8pm - 10pm
Preston Hall (Randolph Complex), Chinese House
A story about a young man's riding journey to Lhasa, capital of the Tibetan Autonomous Region.
Graduate Deadline to file for May or August 2015 Graduation
Graduate Deadline to file for May or August 2015 Graduation
Friday, September 26
All day
Location not specified
Geology Brown Bag
Geology Brown Bag
Friday, September 26
McGlothlin-Street Hall, Room 230
Michelle Hoon-Starr '15 presents "The Tell-Tale River: Using profile analysis and cosmogenic radionuclides to understand landscape evolution of the Blue Ridge"
Chinese Language Experience Classes and Word Puzzles
Chinese Language Experience Classes and Word Puzzles
Friday, September 26
1pm - 5pm
Rowe House
Learn some simple Chinese and strain your brain with Chinese Word puzzles!
Building Flexible, Dynamic Networks with Software Defined Network Function Virtualization
Building Flexible, Dynamic Networks with Software Defined Network Function Virtualization
Friday, September 26
McGlothlin-Street Hall, Room 020
Chemistry Fall Seminar
Chemistry Fall Seminar
Friday, September 26
3pm - 4:20pm
Phil Castellano of North Carolina State University
presents "Photochemical Upconversion"
Please join us for refreshments before the seminar.
Fall Seminar: Nathanael Lichti (Purdue University)
Fall Seminar: Nathanael Lichti (Purdue University)
Friday, September 26
3:45pm - 5pm
Washington Hall, Room 201
"Squirrely choices: scatter-hoarding, seed fate, and tree regeneration in deciduous forests"
Physics Colloquium
Physics Colloquium
Friday, September 26
4pm - 5pm
Small Hall, Room 111
Prof. Michael Kohl, Hampton University, Title of Talk: The proton radius puzzle - how can it be resolved?
Lecture by Dr. Sonia Sanchez on "Sephardic Heritage: Pilgrimage back to Spain"
Lecture by Dr. Sonia Sanchez on "Sephardic Heritage: Pilgrimage back to Spain"
Friday, September 26
7pm - 8:30pm
Muscarelle Museum of Art
Dr. Sonia Sanchez from the Sefarad-Israel Center in Madrid will present a free public lecture on Sephardic heritage pilgrimage to Spain at 7:00 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 26, in the Muscarelle Museum.
Ewell Concert Series: Three Notch'd Road
Ewell Concert Series: Three Notch'd Road
Saturday, September 27
7:30pm - 9pm
Wren Building, Great Hall
Performance by Charlottesville-based baroque ensemble, Three Notch'd Road. Free admission.
Japanese House Movie Night "Train Man"
Japanese House Movie Night "Train Man"
Saturday, September 27
Preston Hall (Randolph Complex), Japanese House Lounge
We will watch the Japanese movie, "Train Man." You don't need sign-up for Movie Night. You can enter or exit anytime during the show.
2014 Summer Research Showcase
2014 Summer Research Showcase
Monday, September 29 - Friday, October 3
Blow Hall 201
The Roy R. Charles Center for Academic Excellence invites the William & Mary campus community to the annual Summer Research Showcase, where undergraduates will present posters and talks on their summer research projects.
Careers in Physics seminar
Careers in Physics seminar
Monday, September 29
12pm - 12:50pm
Small Hall, Room 233
Paul Christie, Founder and President of Litiholographics
2014 Summer Research Showcase
2014 Summer Research Showcase
Monday, September 29 - Friday, October 3
1pm - 5pm
Blow Hall 201
The Roy R. Charles Center for Academic Excellence invites the William & Mary campus community to the annual Summer Research Showcase, where undergraduates will present posters and talks on their summer research projects.
Russian Tea_I
Russian Tea_I
Monday, September 29
Pleasants Hall (Randolph Complex), 3rd floor
Intermediate Russian Conversation
Movie Night at the Hispanic House
Movie Night at the Hispanic House
Monday, September 29
6:30pm - 8:30pm
Swem Library, Botetourt Theatre - Ground Floor, Swem Library
Hispanic House invites you to watch the film: "El Norte", a US/UK film produced in 1983.
The Smart A&S Graduate Student's Guide to Personal Finance
The Smart A&S Graduate Student's Guide to Personal Finance
Tuesday, September 30
5pm - 7pm
Swem Library
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