[PAST EVENT] Recurrent coastal flooding: How should VA respond?

January 31, 2013
VIMS - Watermen's Hall, McHugh Auditorium
1375 Greate Road
Gloucester Point, VA 23062Map this location
In 2011, Virginia's General Assembly issued a joint resolution calling for the Virginia Institute of Marine Science to investigate how the Commonwealth can best respond to "recurrent coastal flooding." Join VIMS researcher Molly Mitchell--the report's lead author--as she highlights the study's findings, including a review of potential adaptation strategies from around the world, and specific recommendations for the options that would most effectively protect communities, roadways, and military installations in Tidewater Virginia and along the Eastern Shore.

Mitchell's presentation is the inaugural event for the 2013 After Hours Lecture Series at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science.

Reservations to this free public lecture series are required due to limited space. Register here to attend in person or call 804-684-7846 for further information. Register here to view the on-line webinar.

804-684-7846, programs@vims.edu