[PAST EVENT] Book Talk by Professor Philip Roessler on Civil War

February 9, 2017
5pm - 6:30pm
Tucker Hall, 127A
350 James Blair Dr
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location

Sudan on the brink of genocide; Syria in ruin; pitched battles in Iraq to liberate ISIS-controlled areas. Few phenomena are a greater source of human suffering and international instability than civil war. Understanding the causes of civil war represents one of the most important policy challenges of our time. Drawing on years of field research in Africa's most conflict-affected countries combined with statistical analyses of power sharing, coups and civil war across the region, Professor Roessler models weak states as caught in a coup-civil war trap and explains how this framework helps to account for war and peace across countries in Africa as well as to Syria, Iraq and other ethnically-divided states.

Vice Provost for International Affairs Steve Hanson will serve as discussant and moderator of Q&A with the audience. Copies of both Professor Roessler's books, Ethnic Politics and State Power in Africa: The Logic of the Coup-Civil War Trap and Why Comrades Go to War: Liberation Politics and the Outbreak of Africa's Deadliest Conflict, will be available for purchase at 6:30pm following the talk.

This talk is sponsored by the Institute for the Theory & Practice of International Relations, the Reves Center, the Department of Government, and the International Relations Program at W&M.


Duenya Hassan dahassan@wm.edu