W&M Featured Events
[PAST EVENT] Worry-Free Story Mapping for your Class
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Are you looking for an alternative to a traditional research paper, but not quite sure how to implement such creative assignments? Join Peiyu Yang, professor and STLI Fellow, via Zoom on March 8 at 12 pm as she introduces several strategies for guiding students through a digital story map assignment, with an emphasis on classes in the humanities. During this workshop, she will focus on students who are new to this technology by outlining strategies like mini-assignments leading up to the big assignment, the usage of the university's existing resources, and the establishment of peer-support groups. You will also hear from students about their experience with story map assignments to pinpoint the most successful techniques. At the end of the workshop, you will have a better understanding of how to help you navigate a digital story map in an online setting. Registration is required to receive Zoom link.
Amber Donnelly at [[adonnelly01]]