[PAST EVENT] Green Analytical Chemistry: Have We Been Doing This All Along?  Nicholas Snow, Seton Hall Univ

October 4, 2024
3pm - 4pm
Integrated Science Center (ISC), Room 1127
540 Landrum Dr
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
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Join our Cheminar by Nicholas H. Snow, Founding Endowed Professor, Seton Hall University

Green Analytical Chemistry: Is This What We’ve Been Doing All Along?

Green chemistry has been receiving increased attention in recent years across the breadth chemistry and related science and engineering disciplines, and analytical chemistry is no exception. There is renewed interest in developing analytical methods and techniques that consume fewer solvents and materials, use smaller, less power and space intensive instruments and involve reduced cost and manpower. Interestingly, such conversations can be traced back for decades, well prior to the coining of the term “green chemistry” in the 1990s. In this seminar, we will discuss the basic principles of green chemistry, their origin in the environmental movement of the 1960s and 1970s, with a surprise analytical chemistry connection. We will fast forward to the 2020s, with examples of green analytical chemistry rooted in the fundamental principles of analytical method development using gas chromatography and related sample preparation techniques as examples and challenging classical assumptions in separation science. Finally, we will comment on how sustainability and green chemistry can be brought into teaching, as now required for all undergraduate programs by the American Chemical Society.

Nicholas H. Snow is Chair and Founding Endowed Professor in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at Seton Hall University. He is a Virginia native with diplomas from McLean High School, the University of Virginia and Virginia Tech. He moved to Seton Hall in 1994 and maintains an active research group focused on separation science. He has mentored 25 PhD and MS thesis students, with over 100 articles and two books. He serves on several editorial boards, is GC Connections Editor of LCGC International, was President of the Eastern Analytical Symposium and holds both of Seton Hall's major university service awards.

Sponsored by: Chemistry Department

